Page 23 of Sins Of Her Sister
My alarm blares at 6:00 a.m. Reaching over, I slam it so hard it slides off my nightstand and falls to the ground. Fuck mornings. That’s all I have to say about that.
I make my way to my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Jumping in the shower, I wash my hair and body. Once I’m done, I get out and start getting dressed for school. Half ass drying my hair, I throw it into a bun. It's just one of those days. I throw on my black, short sleeve, tight fitted dress and match it with my fishnet stockings. Giving up the Converse for the day, I find my knee-high, black, platform boots, with little chains hanging around the side. I swipe on my winged liner and a couple of layers of mascara. All that's left to do is add my signature lipstick. I walk over to pick up my alarm clock and see that it's 7:00 a.m. Blaze will be here in ten minutes to pick me up like he does every morning.
I walk out of my bedroom and look at the bedroom door across the hallway. Layla’s. I don't hear any noise, which is off, considering she's usually up and ready at least thirty minutes before I am. Walking across the hallway, I knock on my step-sister’s door. She answers almost immediately with a towel wrapped around her body.
I look her up and down, the water still dripping from her body, running down her face, past her lips, and into the crease of her breast. Licking my lips, I’m shaken from my daze when I hear Layla clear her throat.
“Did you need something?” she asked.
“I was just wondering if you needed a ride for school?” I offer. This is weird. We’re never this cordial and the look in her eyes tells me she agrees.
Layla tilts her head.
“Carson is picking me up. Thank you, though.” “Sure,” I say before she closes the door.
Arriving at school, I jump out of Blaze's Jeep and take off walking. He jogs to catch up to me and throws his arm around my shoulder as I look him over. He's wearing a black pull over hoodie and the black joggers where I can see the outline of his dick. I tear my eyes away when I notice he catches me staring. Blaze and I haven’t seen each other since his big confession at the lake and I'm trying my best to not let this affect our relationship.
“Look,” Blaze grabs my arm and brings me to a stop in the school parking lot.
“I know what I said at the lake probably made things awkward...” His eyes don’t leave mine.
“Blaze, stop. It's fine.” I shake my head.
“No, I need to say this.” Blaze clasps his hands behind his head, his eyes focusing on the ground.
“I meant every word I said, Ry. I wouldn't take it back, even if you held a gun to my head. I just don't want to make things weird between us, because at the end of the day, you're still my best friend.” His eyes are soft. I feel a crack in my heart and guilt burns its way up. How could I have for once thought of making him feel this way? Palming his face, I place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Blaze, we’re fine. I promise. You and me. No matter what. Against the world.” I give him a genuine smile and he returns it. Swinging his arm back around me, he squeezes me to his side and we head off to our first period class.
Walking up to the front doors of the school, I notice the student body is whispering. Some are crying, somelook stricken, and many are just gossiping. Me and Blaze head in toward Mr. Scott's class. As we get closer to the classroom, I notice a few police officers standing around with Headmaster Jones. We creep close enough to look into the classroom and I can't stop the loud gasp that leaves my mouth. Bringing my hands to my mouth, I feel my hands are shaking. There's blood everywhere.
Mr. Scott sits in his chair tied down with his pants unbuttoned. His face still shows a mix of emotions and his throat’s slit. Looking to the left toward the student desks, Vanessa is on the floor and tied to the legs of a desk. Her shirt is missing and her breasts have been horribly cut off. To make things worse, her lips are stapled shut and she’d been ripped open from her chest down to her stomach. My stomach churns at the sight of it all.
Not being able to look anymore, I turn my gaze and catch a glimpse of the white board. I can't imagine who would do this. Vanessa’s breasts are taped to the board. A message clearly written in blood says,“Hakuna Ma Tatas Fuckers♥.”Obviously, the killer was trying to make a joke, but nothing about this is funny. I feel nausea swirl inside of me.
Mr. Scott was an amazing teacher and while Vanessa was a bitch, I would never wish this on her. I can't help but wonder who they pissed off and why they were together in the first place.
“Classes have been canceled for the week. Please make your way home. We will inform you when school is back in session.” The headmaster announces to everyone surrounding the area. Blaze grabs my hand and we start heading to the front of the school. I can feel the tremor in my hand as I hold his. Almost to the front doors, I see Layla walk through with Carson. The nausea is definitely hitting me now.
“Yo, what's going on?” Carson stops in front of us and asks. He has my step-sister pulled into his side and I canfeel the jealousy start to seep through.
“Mr. Scott and Vanessa were brutally murdered,” Blaze tells him, his eyes wide.
“What?” Carson asks, looking confused. I look over at Layla and she's shaking. “Come on babe, let's go check it out.” Carson pulls my step-sister with him. Before he can get any further, I pull her other arm back. He stops and glares at me.
“I don't think Layla needs to look at that.” I say to him. Carson scoffs at me.
“Your sister’s a big girl, I think she can make her own decisions, Ryan.”
“Do you want to go see that bloody mess?” I turn to ask Layla, but she doesn't say anything. Her face is showing a tinge of green and her hand is shaking more than mine. When she doesn't move or say anything, Carson gets annoyed and takes off without her. Boyfriend of the year, there folks. Grabbing her face between my hands, I force her to look at me.
“Hey, you're okay. What's wrong?” I ask her concerningly. She finally snaps out of it and finds my eyes.
“I'm fine. Just shocked, I guess.” She gives a small smile, trying to play it off.
“Come on, you can ride home with me and Blaze.” I move my hand to grab hers, but she snatches it back. Drawing my eyebrows down, I look at where my empty hand is and hear Layla speak up.
“I'm just going to wait on Carson. You both should go ahead though.” She says, her voice shaking.