Page 16 of Blood
“My bite would definitely leave a mark.” Every word he says is drawn out, setting my womb on fire. My nipples pebble, rubbing against the fabric of my shirt.
Closing the tiny gap between us, I inhale his scent. Liquor and sin, a hint of rain, undertones of spice. No one should smell this good.
I shouldn’t be enticing a man like him, but there’s energy in my veins for the first time in weeks, and I can’t stop myself from asking, “Where would you like that bite to be?” It’s a purr, a challenge, a sultry, wistful moan.
His large palm wraps around my throat, sending my pulse skyrocketing against the pads of his fingers. My panties flood, and there’s an ache so intense that it steals the air from my lungs. I hate it.I love it.
Leaning over me to force my back against the rim of the bar, he whispers, “Everywhere.”
My heart pounds in every inch of my body. Sparks lick at my skin. Then his hand is gone and he strolls away like it never happened. My body hums in his wake like he just hate-fucked me against the bar.
Tracking his departure, I will myself to regain composure. I won’t allow myself to forget who he is and what he represents.Liar.
Refocusing myself, I down the shot of tequila in front of me. I can’t forget why I’m here, especially not for a pretty face and the sexual promise it holds.
“Be careful with that one.” Kitty shakes her head, and I startle, forgetting she was there. “He’s my brother and I love him, but every woman in this place wants in his pants. And these bitches are feral—especially that one.” She jerks her chin to a dark-haired woman with eyes the color of a wolf glaring at me like I just killed her pup. “Georgina is fucking territorial. You don’t want any of that drama.”
“I can handle myself,” I say, sending a sugary sweet smile in Georgina’s direction. “But honestly, I didn’t come here for that. I just wanted to have a good time with a new friend.”
“Cheers to that.” She clinks her bottle against mine. “It’s weird. I’ve never seen Callan act like that with a woman before.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s not open with conquests or picking up women. Callan’s always been private with that stuff.”
That surprises me. A man in this environment with looks like that…Tyler sure as hell isn’t private and he should be.
“You don’t raw dog in my fucking bed,” someone yells. The sound of fists flying and making contact reminds me where I am. Who I’m with.
Callan is there in an instant, ordering a group to take it outside.
“Fight!” Kitty shouts, gaining her a round of cheers as the place empties out through a fire-exit door at the back of the room. “Come on.” She grabs our beer bottles, which keep getting replenished and leads me along with the crowd. The night is still muggy, the air sticky and thick.
“Is that a boxing ring?”
“Yep.” She skips toward the fighting ring set up outside. “Best way to settle grievances.” Excitement lights her eyes. An electric energy sizzles in the air. Pushing through the sea of people who have gathered with their drinks, I follow.
Money begins exchanging hands as they bet on their brothers. Kitty points to a tall, thin guy stripping off his top. “Green is a little wiry, but that makes him fast and gives him a long reach.” She gestures to the brute in the other corner. “Grease is hard as nails, but tires fast. You want to put money down?”
I look between the men, one much larger in muscle and width. “You took my purse with my wallet inside,” I remind her.
“I’ll spot you.” She pulls a wad of cash from her bra and waves it at a man writing the bets on a notepad. “Who you betting on?”
“I think the big guy could take out Green if he gets a hit on him.” Brute force will win this one.
“He has to catch him first,” she reminds me, shouting over the noise.
“Let’s go with Green then.” I’m jostled around as sweaty bodies close in.
“One hundred on Green.” The guy takes her money and writes down our bet, shaking his head at her. A bell rings, and the two brothers begin circling each other.
Green takes the first swing, hitting the larger man in the gut. Spitting phlegm, Grease roars and pounds his chest like an ape before making a grab for Green and missing.
“Why do they call him Green?” The crowd is loud and boisterous, forcing me to lean over to shout in Kitty’s ear.
“Because he can’t handle his drugs or beer,” she shouts. A couple brothers surrounding us slap her on the back, howling with laughter. “He turns green.” She looks at them and crosses her eyes.
Fists hit flesh with sickening thuds. Blood paints the ring’s canvas as the two men go at each other with savagery. I find myself looking through the crowd, seeking out Callan. It’s stupid to have such an obsession with someone I can never have, but my mind and body aren’t in sync. My pussy doesn’t seem to understand she can’t be his…even for a night.