Page 3 of Hunter's Baby Girl
Chapter 2
We both watched as the woman on the mattress was being fucked mercilessly by the two men. The one in front held onto her head and thrust himself in and out of her mouth. From this angle, I could see that she was blindfolded and wearing a little baby-doll nightie. The man taking her from behind was holding her hips and began slamming himself into her, their bodies slapping together.
“Do you like sucking Daddy’s friend’s cock? Do you like when Daddy does this to you?” the man behind her asked. She moaned, long and low, to signal how much she enjoyed it and was rewarded by even more powerful thrusts from both partners.
I felt Hunter’s hand on my arm, gently stroking up and down. Nothing more, just that one point of contact. But for some reason, every nerve was on edge. He might as well have been stroking my ass I was getting so turned on between what I was seeing and the feeling of his hand on me.
The scene was over before I knew it. The participants finished, and the spectators rose from their seats, including Hunter and me. “Did you like watching them fuck, Little Girl?” he asked.
“I did,” I whispered, leaning on him as we left the room. My knees were weak. “I expected more, like, whips and paddles and stuff.”
He laughed indulgently. “They might have already done that before we got there,” he explained. “There’s all sorts of scenes, all levels of play. Would you like to explore some more?”
I knew what I wanted, and it wasn’t to watch somebody else have fun. “Actually . . . I was hoping we could play a little,” I said, staring up into those big blue eyes of his. I had no idea where to go from here, and I was hoping he’d be kind and gentle with me . . . until I didn’t want him to be gentle anymore, that is.
“Do you want me to show you how to play?” he asked, touching my arm again. It was incredible, the way the simplest touch could feel so erotic. There was something about his hands that drove me crazy. I couldn’t help wondering what else he could do to me with them.
He took my hand and led me to a row of doors set farther back from the dance floor than where we’d already been. One of them was open, and he poked his head in. “It’s free,” he told me with a grin and pulled me in behind him. I felt a little nervous thrill at the sound of the latch catching when he closed the door behind us.
There was another table in the dimly lit room, which I came to associate with spanking since I’d seen two women bent over and being paddled in the common area. There was also a chair with arm restraints, and a table with both arm and leg restraints. I saw the condoms Megan had told me about, as well as an array of sex toys and sanitizers. They really did think of everything.
“I wanted to talk to you about what I heard from your teacher today, Little Girl,” Hunter said. Suddenly, his voice was very commanding, authoritative. I guessed we were jumping right into it, and I wanted to play along. Something about him made me want to explore this further.
“She’s a liar,” I said, placing my hands on my hips and jutting my chin out.
He raised an eyebrow, his face smooth and unreadable as a stone tablet. “You were caught cutting class, and she wasn’t the only teacher who reported seeing you sneak out of school today. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I say none of them can tell me what to do. And neither can you. I’m sixteen, and I can do what I want.” I crossed my arms over my chest, and I knew the way my tits squeezed together between my arms got his attention. His eyes roamed over my body, and I felt myself grow warm all over.
“I think you’ve gotten a little too big for your britches, young lady,” Hunter said. “You need to be taught a lesson, for your own good. Come here.”
He took a seat on the chair and pulled me toward him. “I hate to have to do this to you, you know. But you’ll never learn unless you find out the consequences of your actions. Get over my knee.”
I bit my lip involuntarily, my skin tingling before he’d even touched me. A spanking, huh? I pretended to be upset and reluctant. “I don’t wanna,” I told him, in the brattiest tone of voice I could manage.
“You’ll do as I say, Little Girl,” my Daddy said, then grabbed me by the arm and pulled me over his knee. I gasped, shocked at his forcefulness. He could do anything he wants with me, I realized. He could totally overpower me. Instead of feeling fear, however, I felt intensely aroused.
“I know you want to test the limits, because you’re growing up. But I’m the boss; what I say goes. I know better than you do.” I felt him pull up the back of my plaid skirt, and the soft groan I heard from him told me he approved of my smooth ass, fully on display thanks to my skimpy thong. One hand held me down, pressed firmly into my back to keep me in place. The other began a slow, teasing journey up the backs of my stocking-clad thighs. I felt the warmth between my legs turn to wetness as his hand crept farther up until it reached my ass cheeks. I was nearly trembling with desire now.
Suddenly, a sharp stinging pain swept through me as his hand made solid contact with my flesh. I gasped through clenched teeth.
“This hurts me more than it hurts you, Little Girl,” he said. Then another smack, and another gasp. Even though it stung, a lot, the heat between my legs only increased. I was aching for more.
“Does that hurt?” he asked. “Tell Daddy.”
“Yes, Daddy,” I whimpered. “It hurts when you spank me.”
“But do you agree that you’ve been a very bad girl and need to be punished?” he asked. I bit my lip to keep from giggling.
“Yes, Daddy,” I said, moaning a little as I did. “I deserve to be punished. I was a bad girl today.” Another smack. This time I did more than gasp — I cried out a little bit. Instead of getting used to the sensation, it was becoming more extreme. I wondered how much longer, and harder, he planned to spank me.
“That’s right,” he said with another brisk spank that left me yipping in pain. “You were very, very bad.” Another spank.
“That really hurts,” I said, all pretense gone from my voice.
“Does it?” he asked, then I felt his hand wrap itself in one of my pigtails. He got a good handful, then yanked my head back until I was nearly eye-to-eye with him. I cried out and tried to pull away. “Maybe you won’t be disobedient again then.” He shoved me back over his knee, then spanked my ass again. Wham!
“Hunter, please, stop,” I begged. I’d had enough. This wasn’t sexy anymore. “I realize we don’t have a safe word here, but I just really need you to stop. You’re hurting me!”