Page 26 of Training Maisy
Chapter 17
Maisy wrapped the last batch of cake for the restaurant in foil and placed it along with the rest in the container that would be used to transport it. She carried it out to her car and placed it in the backseat, getting into the driver’s seat and starting the engine. Her plan this morning was to drop off the consignment at Ralph’s, then rush back home and catch a long nap. She had been up most of the night baking, and after her workout in the morning, all she wanted to do was crawl under the covers and zone out. She delivered the treats to Ralph and was on her way into her house when her phone rang. She brought it out of her pocket; checking the display, it was Brittany calling.
“Hey, Brittany! What’s up?”
“Hey, Maisy! Guess what I’m doing now?” Brittany answered with just a little more than her customary cheerfulness, her question baffling Maisy.
“I don’t know. At home doing laundry or maybe working? Wait, don’t tell me. You had too much fun last night and woke up in a stranger’s house?”
“Yeah, right, I wish,” Brittany snorted. “Okay, let me tell you. I’m on my way to Ashborne,” she said and waited for Maisy’s reaction. Then had to take the phone off her ear as the sound of Maisy screaming nearly damaged her eardrum.
“Knew that would get you excited.”
“So, when are you going to get here? Wait a minute, are you driving down?”
“Took a flight down here, but I’m currently in a rental driving. And I would already have been there if this damn GPS hadn’t taken me on a wrong turn. But I’m back on track, and if the damn thing is working well now, I should be there in the next hour or so.”
“Well, just call me as soon as you get close so I can give you directions to my place, okay?” Maisy finished the call, then quickly looked around the house before heading to the kitchen. She needed to prepare something special for her friend.
* * *
Maisy stood at the end of the street and began to wave her hand up and down as soon as she saw her friend. Which was kind of unnecessary since she was the only one standing on the road. The car came to a stop, and Maisy quickly ran forward and got into the car, where the screams and laughter of their reunion could be heard all over the street. After a few minutes hugging and gushing about how much they’d missed each other, Brittany pulled into the driveway beside Maisy’s car and got out.
“So, welcome to my house,” Maisy said as she opened the door to usher Brittany in, carrying the small travel bag Brittany had brought with her.
“Whoa, Maisy, it’s way bigger than I imagined it was. I mean, at that price, I was definitely expecting something a lot smaller.”
“Well, I guess I got a great deal. Besides, I think the agent kinda had a thing for me. Come on, let me show you around.”
Maisy took Brittany on a tour around the house as the two of them caught up with the things they missed. Even though they spoke almost every night, they still had a lot to talk about.
“Okay, I have to say something. Look at how much weight you’ve lost! Hell, I can finally wrap my arms around you,” Brittany said and proceeded to do just that, the two women laughing out loud and hugging each other.
“I know, right? Well, you have to thank my trainer for that. Let’s just say he knows several ways to make me lose weight, and I happen to like most of them.”
“I know. I even get mini-orgasms when you tell me about them on the phone,” Brittany said with her arm around Maisy. “But I’m really glad to finally see you doing the one thing you’ve wanted to do all these years.”
“Yep, 210 pounds. That is what I weigh now. I even went bikini-shopping the other day and got those skimpy two-pieces you always tell me to get but I don’t like.”
“Well, get ready to go to the beach with me then. They have a beach here, right?”
“Yes, they do,” Maisy said, rolling her eyes at her friend who still thought of Ashborne as a really small town.
“So, you’re going to show me what this little town of yours is all about?” Brittany asked as she took a seat beside Maisy on the long couch.
“You would think Ashborne is a small town till you actually get to live in it. I mean, they’ve got everything here; maybe not as much as the big city, though.”
“Well, they also got the number one thing I want to see. That hot piece of gorgeous male that has been scratching your itch these last couple of months.”
Maisy couldn’t help but smile widely at Brittany’s description of Carter. “Well, that gorgeous male hunk has a name, and calling what he does as scratching my itch has to be the biggest understatement of the century.”
For once, Brittany didn’t smile when Maisy made a mention of Carter, but instead had a sort of pensive look on her face.
“What?” Maisy asked, noticing Brittany’s look.
“Nothing, just really want to meet the guy, I guess. So how is that going to happen?” Brittany asked, going to admire one of the paintings Maisy had put on the living room wall.
“Well, we could go to the gym this afternoon and see him. But I already booked us a place at this spa in the mall. And then after that, we’re having dinner at Ralph’s, so maybe we could see him when I go in for my workout tomorrow morning.”