Page 28 of Training Maisy
“I’m thinking Maisy doesn’t know how to use a camera. Oh, my god, you’re freakishly hot,” Brittany exclaimed as she let go of his arm and took her seat.
“Thanks?” Carter said, then again looked at Maisy. “I guess I should leave you guys alone to your food then.”
“You here with someone?” Maisy asked, then instantly regretted it. She didn’t want to know if he was here with another woman.
“No, not really. I came alone, something I realize sounds pathetic now that I say it out loud,” Carter replied, a smile on his face that showed he wasn’t bothered at all by that fact.
“Then how about you come eat with us?” Brittany suggested, ignoring the small kick Maisy gave her under the table.
“Nah, I wouldn’t want to ruin whatever stories you guys would definitely have to share. Besides, I already have a table.”
“Then why don’t you let one of those couples waiting at the bar have your table? Besides, I would really love to get to know some of Maisy’s new friends here in Ashborne.”
Seeing no way out of it, Carter agreed to sit with them. Maisy shifted for him, and he took a seat beside her. Then the three of them sat looking at each other for a few moments before Brittany finally broke the ice. “So, Carter, exactly what magic did you do to get Maisy to lose all that weight?"
* * *
“Today was really fun, wasn’t it?” Maisy said as she and Brittany walked into the house after their dinner at the restaurant. “I really miss you, you know that?”
“I miss you, too, hon,” Brittany answered as she walked in behind Maisy.
“So, now that we’re alone, what do you think about Carter?” Maisy asked, taking off her shoes and letting out a sigh as the tension in her calves was eased a little.
“Well, he’s way hotter than I thought he would be; the guy sure knows what to say and how to say it.”
“Right,” Maisy said on a laugh, glad Brittany liked him, although she wasn’t exactly sure why that was important. Personally, dinner was the most fun she had ever had with Carter. Maybe it was because this was the first time she had ever been with him in a social setting, the first time they had really sat down to talk. And even though she already liked his sense of humor, the way he talked and the things he said from their conversation on the phone, it was different watching him smile as he said those things, and the way he looked at her when he wanted to tell her something, as if she was the only one in the room. And in those moments, he was the only one in her world.
“Maisy,” Brittany called her, and she glanced over at her friend, wondering how long she had spent fantasizing.
“So, how are things with you and Carter?”
“Great. I mean sometimes he can be mean when we’re working out. And sometimes I like it when he’s mean,” Maisy said with a wink, knowing Brittany would get her joke. But rather than the smile she was expecting, what she got instead was a serious expression.
“I mean really, how are things with you and him?”
“Oh, you’re talking about the sex thing. Well, who knew spanking would ever be something that turned me—”
“No, Maisy, I’m talking about the fact that you’re in love with him.”
“In love with him?” Maisy burst into laughter. “No, I am not in love with him. I mean, maybe I am just a tad bit obsessed with his body, but definitely not in love with him.” But her protest sounded shallow in her ears.
“Yes, you are, Maisy. I mean, the more you kept on talking about him, I started having my suspicions. Then I saw the both of you in there today, and I may not know him well, but I know you, Maisy, and I think you’re in love with him.”
Maisy said nothing, just looked at Brittany. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” she asked again.
Finally, Maisy said, “Yes, Brittany. Yes, I’m in love with him, and I don’t know what to do because I don’t think he loves me back.” This declaration was said in an agonizing tone, and Brittany opened her arms to hug her friend.
“How long have you felt this way?” she asked Maisy as she led her to the long couch, grabbing the box of tissues on the table.
“I don’t know. Does it really matter when?” Maisy collected the tissue, and after cleaning her nose as best as she could, she sat up and looked at her friend. “What do I do now?”
“I can’t tell you that, but I know you can’t keep sleeping with him without telling him how you feel about him.”
“Really, do I have to?” Maisy whined. “I mean, we’re having such a great time, and I don’t think my lady bits mind much that he doesn’t have any feelings for me.”
“Your lady bits. Funny. But I know you, Maisy, and if there’s something I know about you, it’s that when you have feelings for someone, you start building up this fantasy, and you become so invested in it that you don’t mind what the reality is. Sometimes until too late, and then, well, it’s too late.”