Page 30 of Training Maisy
Chapter 18
“You look like shit,” Jesse said to Carter as the latter joined him at the bar, the music in the club loud enough that they had to semi-shout to hear each other. Carter wasn’t ready to argue with that statement because he actually did feel like shit. It had been two months since he had seen Maisy last, although he wouldn’t say that Maisy leaving was the reason for the way he felt these days. But if he spoke the truth, he started feeling like shit, well, almost two months ago. Two months since she left him in the gym with that declaration that she loved him. Two months of trying and trying to call her and getting her voicemail, which made him wonder why she didn’t just go ahead and block his number. Of course, there was that awful incident when he had used another line to call her and she had picked up the phone, her voice sounding breathless for reasons he didn’t know, reasons he had no desire to explore. But it was her voice, and after weeks of calling and praying she would pick up the phone, he didn’t know what to say, had no clue how to start a conversation he had been waiting to have for weeks. So he dropped the phone and never called her again. He knew she was doing okay, at least if he went by what Chloe said anytime he snuck her into the conversation. And a part of him was glad that she was, but part of him wondered why she wasn’t suffering the way he was suffering. After all, she was the one in love with him.
“Well, I feel like shit, too,” he replied as he lifted a finger to call the bartender. They both ordered scotch on the rocks, and as soon as the drink was placed in front of Carter, he chugged it down, grimacing slightly as it hit the back of his throat. Then he pointed at his glass for a refill.
Jesse watched him, noticing the faint lines of strain around his mouth; more than that, he knew that there was something wrong with his friend.
“Apparently you’ve been acting like it, too,” he said to Carter as he took a sip of his drink.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Tracy called me.”
“And?” Carter asked confused, and not in the mood at all for whatever Jesse was trying to drive at.
“You shouted at Tracy, screamed at her for messing up a schedule by five minutes. Five minutes?”
“I already apologized for that.” Carter looked down guiltily at his drink, knowing Jesse was right.
“Then not only that, but you’ve been surly and snarly at the gym, and it’s so bad people are noticing and talking. What’s going on, Carter?”
“What do you mean, what’s going on? One bad day, one mistake, and everyone is blowing it out of proportion!” Carter was almost shouting now, and all Jesse had to do was look at him to realize he was doing what he was trying to deny doing. Angry now, but mostly at himself, he stood up and dropped some money on the bar.
“I’ve got to go; got some business at the gym I have to take care of.”
“Come on, Carter. What the hell? You just going to blow me over because I tell you something you know is true? Whatever the hell is happening, we’ve been friends far too long for you to try to hide anything from me.”
“It isn’t that, Jesse.” Carter tried a smile. “It’s just something I’ve got to work on. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” He picked up his jacket from the stool and, with a wave, left the bar.
As he walked out, he thought of what he’d said to Jesse, about working on it, and wasn’t sure how the hell he was going to do that. Hell, he wasn’t even sure what the problem was. As he slowly trudged home, he realized he was now walking in front of Ralph’s, and his mind was instantly taken back to the night he had dinner there with Maisy. He glanced at the table where the three of them had sat and saw a happy couple sitting there. And maybe it was seeing two people clearly in love that finally made him begin to realize what his problem was. Then to the side of the happy couple, he felt the breath rush out of his lungs as he saw Maisy.
He quickly ran to the glass and pressed his face against it, confirming it indeed was Maisy.
She looked absolutely stunning, her hair wavy and flowing around a face that looked so perfect. Even from where he was sitting, he could see she had gotten slimmer than when he had seen her last and knew she had continued with her workouts. He wondered where and with whom, then remembered what he had done with her during their workout, and promptly snarled at the thought of any guy putting a hand on her. Then he saw she wasn’t sitting alone, and there was a guy beside her, and they seemed to be in earnest conversation. He didn’t have to worry too much as he saw Maisy stand up, waving at the guy in a dismissive manner as she attempted to leave the table. Then his vision went red as he saw the guy grab Maisy by her arm and attempt to drag her back. Without thinking, he rushed into the restaurant and headed straight for them.