Page 6 of Taming His Rockstar
Chapter 5
Fifteen minutes after we walk into the mall, I remember why I don’t always jump at the chance to shop with Jane. She makes me try on everything and just ends up buying them either way. One hour after going from store to store, we both have almost ten bags between us, and I won’t be surprised if Windsor, my financial manager, calls to ask me if everything is okay. I almost sigh in relief when Jane takes us back to the car. But my relief is short-lived because she merely dumps the shopping bags we are carrying in the back seat of the car and pulls me away when I move toward the front of the car.
“We are not done shopping,” she replies to my question, feeding more coins into the parking meter.
“What do you mean, we’re not done shopping? I just bought an entire new wardrobe.”
“Yes, because you needed a new wardrobe. Now we’re going to look for a dress you’re wearing to the club tonight.” She turns around and holds out a hand for me. “Remember what I said about making a statement? If we walk in and men don’t pick their jaws from the floor or adjust their pants, then I’ve failed you.”
I stare at her hand and shake my head. “No. I’m a grown woman, and I don’t have to do this.”
“Of course you don’t.” She gives me an innocent smile I didn’t believe for one second. “But we both know you want to.”
I shake my head. “No, I don’t.”
“Come on. You love going shopping with me. You pretend not to, but you love that I make you do it since we both know you won’t do it for yourself.” She moves closer to me. “Remember how you look with those red strappy heels I made you buy, even though you said they won’t look good on you?”
I don’t reply because I would either have to lie or say she was right.
“Katie . . .” That hand beckons to me. “Look at the all the stores calling out to us, and in one of them, we’re going to find the perfect dress for you. Now, tell me you don’t want that.”
I look at that hand. Tell myself I have more self-control than that. Groan when my inner Katie laughs at that statement. Then I take her hand.
“I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret this.”
“No, you won’t,” Jane replies with a chuckle as she wraps her hands around my waist and drags me with her. “And don’t forget, we need to stop at a lingerie store too. If the dress makes his jaw drop, then the lingerie must turn him into a drooling mass eager to please you.”
I shake my head. “Again, tell me when Travis is coming back?”
Jane chuckles as she drags me along. We walk into some stores and check out their dresses with Jane rejecting all of them and dragging me to the next one where we start our perusal all over again. I buy four sets of lingerie and a daring and sexy lace corset getup I doubt I’ll ever wear. But the perfect dress for the night’s plan remains elusive, and Jane hauls me to the next store to continue trying to find it. We walk along almost all the shops on the street and are quickly running out of shops when I see a sign that catches my eye. It’s a sex shop, and it’s hard to miss the silk handcuffs and whip on display outside the shop.
“You wanna check it out?” Jane asks.
The first thing I do is look around to see if there is anyone with a camera held up, ready to take a picture of me. I can only imagine the kind of fodder that would appear on the gossip blogs tomorrow if I’m caught walking into a sex shop. And it seems Jane has the same thought even if she doesn’t share my view.
“Come on.” She pulls at my hand. “Let’s go in. Hey, maybe you could get a new toy.”
“If I wanted a sex toy, I’d order one online like I usually do,” I protest, digging my heels in the ground. “You have any idea what would happen if someone takes a picture of me going in there? Or worse, actually inside there?”
“So, people would know you have sex. I don’t see how that can be bad. Besides, you seem to forget you’re a rock star and not a country or gospel singer. It would be weird if you saw a sex shop and didn’t walk in.” She turns and waves her hand theatrically as if she is drawing on an imaginary board. “Think about it. Rock star sees a sex shop and refuses to go in. What could be wrong with KD?”
I chuckle at her theatrics. Then I let her pull me inside the shop. Maybe because of what I have seen in the movies I’m expecting the inside of the shop to be dark with red lights and leather everywhere. And I’m a little surprised when I find out the shop looks like any other shop we have visited that day. A popular pop song plays subtly on the speakers. The lights are not too bright but not too dark either, and everything seems arranged and organized. Just like any other shop. Except in here, there are dildos of varying degrees on the shelves and vibrators in display cases. But that isn’t all. The shop is big and seems to contain everything sex related. From movies to books, toys and machines, some of which look nothing like what I can imagine someone would need to have sex with. I mean, I’m not a total prude or anything. I’ll even admit to having done a little bit of most things. But there are things I see that just don’t make any sense to me.
“What’s that?” I point at a funny contraption that looks like it should belong in an auto shop.
“That’s the Sybian,” a lady wearing the shop uniform replies.
Jane nods. “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of this thing.” She frowns as she stares at it. “But isn’t it supposed to come with a . . .”
The assistant points to a small table beside the machine where I can see a selection of rubber dildos, each one more weirdly shaped than the next.
“How does it work?” I ask curiously.
“Well.” The assistant picks one up and screws it on.
Then she turns the machine on, and all of a sudden, I don’t need her to explain anything to me.