Page 34 of Liberty
I moved forward, pushing the beaded curtains out of the way with more force than necessary, then followed the familiar path through Maggie’s shop storage area until I emerged into a lounge room. She was bent over the safe, the ass I used to love so much poised in the air, and I felt nothing. I wanted it if only to get thoughts of Liberty and Ellis out of my mind, but not a single thing stirred inside me.
Maggie straightened, a box in her hand. “You understand how much power is within this stone, don’t you, Oak?”
“Would I have asked for it if I didn’t?”
She sighed. “I guess not. You always were too knowledgeable for your own good.”
Behind me, I felt Liberty’s presence, but I couldn’t concentrate on it. Not when I could feel the stone pulsing with power and begging me for its blessing. Powerful, indeed. Maggie had come through. Not that I doubted her. “You did good, Mags.”
“It’s the least I could do.” She placed the stone in my hand, and I nearly stumbled with the weakness I felt against its power. “I wished you found this naturally; it is stronger and more effective. But I guess a given one would have to do.”
I braved a glance over my shoulder. “Maggie is referring to the hag stone; it works better if not bought or given but found.”
Liberty raised an eyebrow, and Maggie explained further what it was I was holding, “The stone is a protection amulet of sorts. It’s used to ward off the dead, curses, sickness, and nightmares.”
“I seem to be plagued by all the above,” Liberty mumbled.
Maggie didn’t hear her, and she continued speaking, “It’s common knowledge that magic can’t work on moving water, but the hole right there in the center was made by water, forced through the rock. The rock maintained some of the element’s influence. It’s rare, hard to find.”
I pulled a worn piece of leather cording from my pocket and looped it through the stone hole, tying it off before turning to Liberty and placing it around her neck. “Do not take it off.”
Her hands went to the stone, her fingers curling around it, and she shut her eyes for a moment. “I can almost feel it’s power. Is that weird?”
“No weirder than standing in a witch’s shop with two witches and your new vampire protector.”
Maggie laughed and slapped my arm. “Oh, Oak, you always had that protective thing going on. It’s one thing I missed most when I broke up with you.”
Liberty’s gaze flitted between me and Maggie, no doubt taking in that little piece of information. All I needed was to rehash the entire story of my greatest heartbreak this century. Though, now, it didn’t seem quite as painful. I didn’t get hit with the gut-wrenching longing that I usually did, and though I liked Maggie, loved her, really, I didn’t feel the ache in my chest that generally came when leaving her behind after each visit.
“Thanks for this. I really appreciate it.”
Maggie sighed. “That sounds a lot like a, but I have to leave now statement.”
“Because it is.”
“We could stay a little longer, Oak,” Liberty offered, but we couldn’t. Not when it was her life on the line, not my own.
“We can’t.” I turned to Maggie. “Sorry, we can’t stay.”
“No worries, I trust that you will come back soon. Let me know if you need anything else, Oak. I’m always happy to help.”
We said our goodbyes, and it was hard, and it sucked, but the overwhelming longing no longer made it impossible to pull away. Instead, it was replaced by the bone-deep desire to keep the raven-haired beauty next to me safe from all harm. All of it. Even the thought of a paper cut on her delicate flesh made my nerves prick under my skin.
We had just pulled onto the main road when I felt Liberty’s eyes on me. I groaned, then leaned my head back against the headrest for a moment. “Just say it.”
I braved a glance at her, gazing at her long enough to see her big blue eyes looking innocent and sweet. “Say what?”
“Whatever it is that has you staring holes into the side of my skull.”
“It’s nothing.” She turned her body and sat forward, staring out the front window.
“Liberty,” I said her name as a warning.
“Oak.” My name fell from her lips in a sound of pure perfection, and I only wished she would repeat it. I let the silence grow heavy between us, infused the air with the heat of the temper I felt rising as we sat side by side until she finally broke. “Fine. I just find it funny that you got sensitive I shared a little kiss with Ellis, but you brought me to your ex-girlfriend’s place for this stone.”
Oh. Okay. So she wanted to go that route. “I just find it funny that you just referred to the fact that you both were two seconds away from fucking as a little kiss. What exactly does a big kiss look like to you? The actual act of fornication? And it’s not just a stone; it’s a precious, powerful protective object. Do you think I would have called Maggie if I thought that tiny stone wouldn’t help?”
“She broke up with you.”