Page 23 of Justice
“Do you realize how expensive these are, though? Really? Custom made. Tailored to my measurements. The finest materials.” He went on, and I should’ve jumped in to help, but he sounded like such a douche I decided not to, for my entertainment.
“And I bet they would look amazing on - shit. I forgot his name. I remembered it like two minutes ago too.”
“Justice.” I offered, not even opening my eyes, but needed to get in on this.
“Yes! They would look amazing on him,” she finished lamely. I guess it’s hard to win a fight when you couldn’t remember the focal point’s name.
“I’m appalled you would say that. Did you miss the –”
“Custom-tailored part? Yeah, I got it.” She lowered her voice. “Look, I’ve seen a lot of penis these last few days. Like a lot. He’s just out there letting it blow around, and mentally, I cannot. Let me repeat that so you understand, I cannot – handle any more.”
There was a long pause before Sterling growled and material rustled, “If he ruins these . . .”
“He’s a king; I’m sure he could afford more,” I mumbled.
A door slammed a little more aggressively than needed before the bed dipped. “You had to take her side.”
“I don’t want to be staring at anyone’s dong all fucking day. It’s bad enough I’ve seen more of you two than I wanted to ever see in this lifetime.”
“Jealous?” Sterling asked cockily.
“You should be.”
I couldn’t even hold back the laugh at that. I was willing to compare right now because I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was bigger. Instead, I got up and stretched, not willing to partake in his childish antics. If I showed him any sort of weakness, any hint that I was falling into his trap, it would be downhill from there. Like when we were children. And he thought it would be a good idea to walk to the middle of the frozen lake. I didn’t want to do it; I knew with absolute certainty it was a bad idea, but as I thought about it, Sterling saw a weakness and pounced on it.
Ellis spent the rest of the winter in bed, almost dying from hyperthermia.
I nudged Ellis with my knee. “Hey. We need to get going.”
“I doubt I could move.” Yeah, I knew the feeling. After last night’s fights, then the unforgettable day of healing Liberty and exchanging blood between the four of us, I was feeling on the exhausted side as well.
“We have a plane to catch.”
He flung his arm over his eyes. “It’s a charter; it will wait for us. I’m sure Sterling is paying them well.”
That wasn’t the point. I wanted to get back to familiar territory. I felt the need to go, the pull to return home, and I only hoped that appeal had nothing to do with lurking danger and everything to do with the little slice of heaven we managed to make of the manor in such a short time.Ours. It was ours, even though we never officially discussed it. She no longer seemed set on selling it. I hadn’t heard her mention it once since we agreed to help pay for it. Plus, this could be my emotions talking, but it’s James. I couldn’t see it go.
“See you out front in fifteen.” He groaned at that but made no further argument, which was good because if I had to, I would have dragged him out and dressed him myself if it meant getting some space between us and this area.
When I entered the room, Liberty was sitting on a chair, Justice was on the opposite side of the room – clothed, and Ramsey, bless his heart, sat in a spot right between them both ready to intervene if someone went rogue. Honestly, my bets were on the girl. Vampire or not, she seemed to be in a mood this morning, and everyone knew how quickly a girl’s attitude could go south. She’s already halfway there after Sterling.
“Pants are a good look on you,” I mumbled as I sat next to Liberty before lifting her up on my lap and wrapping an arm around her waist. I heard the growl and ignored it. I even ignored the nearly painful glare that was threatening to behead me.
“I’ve taken the liberty –” Ramsey paused as he smirked at his choice of words, “of gathering a few things for you on your trip home. You three have done your best to stay out of the world, and I think mostly, that has been okay for you. But now you need to be informed. Especially if the pup over there is involved in this situation.”
“I’m involved in nothing.”
Ramsey laughed at that. “You would think so except it was your neck that magical string of jewels was on, and you just so happened to be mated to the epicenter.”
“I’m not his mate.” Liberty rolled her eyes at that. “We will work out that mistake later.”
“I love how you didn’t even dispute being the epicenter of a disaster, love.”
“I’ve resigned to the fact that I drank a three vampire cocktail last night, and I would do it again right now if they would let me.” She sighed.
Her words had my cock hardening under her ass, and instead of ignoring the fact that talk of exchanging blood had my body ready for her, she only encouraged it by wiggling her sweet bottom against my dick. I groaned as I leaned into her back, trying to muffle the sound against her body.