Page 33 of Justice
“Uncle.” Justice bowed back, giving the elder equal respect.
I watched in awe as a whole new person took over Justice. No longer was he entitled and arrogant, but caring and respectful. His people flocked to him with equal parts shock and love. The excitement overwhelmed the room. It had been nearly ten minutes before the crowd parted, making room for a woman who was almost a replica of the man standing before me.
The woman stood in front of Justice, tears pooling in the crest of her eyes but not yet falling. “I thought I lost you, son.”
“I – I,” Justice’s words stuck in his throat, an explanation of the hows and whys of what happened to him, not something he was willing to offer just yet, and I felt that fact through the bond. I could see it in his body language, nearly hear it in his tone as he stumbled over the right words.
“But, he is here now. And safe,” I offered because that fact was all that mattered.
The woman’s eyes found me for the first time; they roamed over me with unspoken questions before finally stopping to meet my gaze. “My son has found a mate.”
“More like she found him,” Sterling mumbled behind me before he made a pained sound as if someone elbowed him.
“We aren’t really –” I started to explain that there was a mistake, that though I somehow had his mark sealed into my skin, we had no relationship at all, but Justice cut me off.
“I have. The fates have blessed our family once again.” His voice was stronger than I ever heard it as he spoke to his mother.
She tilted her head as she looked at me. “She is a – a –”
“She’s a vampire. I’m aware. With some human qualities,” he clarified.
“She’s not a shifter.” His mother observed some more as the woman slowly began to walk around me. I was still as a statue, my whole being on display, afraid to talk or even breathe while I met my judgment.
“No. She isn’t. But the fates have blessed our people, none the less.” His shoulders were back as he praised the fates when hours ago he was cursing them for my very existence.
“And the others?”
“Also, her mates.” Justice seemed less than thrilled to admit it, the words coming out as nearly a spat.
“Is this a true blessing, son?” She questioned, her face still not giving away her feelings.
“It’s – It comes with complications. I’ll admit.” He sighed, for the first time showing a sliver of weakness regarding me.
“She has good hips. She would bear strong children,” his mother mused, and Justice groaned.
“I’ve noticed. Thanks for that.”
His mother smirked. “The coupling, how is it. Does she take it well?”
This time, every male in my company made a sound. Some in amusement while others disbelief. But Justice, his was more horror than anything. “We’ve just met. We haven’t exactly worked out the details of fates yet.”
“But you bit her. I can see the scar remains. You and the fates both marked her as yours.”
I saw Justice’s eyes close as he searched for his patience. “I wasn’t myself when that happened.”
Her eyes gave me one last sweep before she leaned into my ear and whispered, “Our men are not the easiest when it comes to accepting their fate, but it will come.” She pulled back and offered her hand to shake. “She will do. I’m Mona, and this is my pack.”
Chapter 16
It’s a fuckingmystery to me how someone can stand that proud in a room full of people, while wearing someone else’s fucking pants. But there he stood, surrounded by every person within twenty miles, being lapped at like a puppy. I guess the assessment wasn’t that far off, he was a shifter after all. A mutt with intelligence, what a fucking combination.
“Are you still pouting?” Ellis asked as he bumped me with his shoulder.
“I loved those pants.”
“You’re ridiculous; I hope you know that. Isn’t losing pants worth Liberty’s happiness?” I followed his gaze from where we stood along the wall of the room. Liberty was leaning over, laughing with a woman we had not yet met, and I had to admit, he wasn’t wrong. Seeing her smile did something to my insides. It was like splitting my body in two and forcing the pieces together again. The pain that knowing that smile wasn’t mine was soothed by knowing I owned a part of her.