Page 10 of Truth
“Just so you know, you scream like a girl when you come.” She shot at me, then crossed her arms.
“Just so you know, so do you.” I smirked. I brought my attention back to the group, “We head out tomorrow. Rest for the night. We’ll hold up back at the manor until we figure out what’s next. The wards are already strong there, but I could have Maggie help me strengthen them even more.”
“No.” Liberty said at the same time Lenin said, “I can help with wards. I am strong. But I might need some more supplies. Do you know of a – a shop that carries what I need?”
I could already feel Liberty seething at the mention of having my ex-girlfriend help. Still, I couldn’t withhold the information, could I? “Absolutely. Maggie has a shop in the city. Anything you need, let me know and I’ll have her search for it ahead of time.”
“No.” Liberty said again.
“My Little Kitten does not want me to help with the ward?”
“Your Little Kitten is being stubborn and doesn’t want my ex-girlfriend to help with the ward.”
He nods slowly as if he understands, “Then I would contact her to prevent my Kitten’s jealousy.”
“No.” She crossed her arm over her chest stubbornly.
“I do not understand.”
“Your Little Kitten is greedy.” Sterling added, “She doesn’t want to share anything that is hers.”
“Oh.” Lenin looked down. “And I am hers too?”
He turned to her, “Jealousy has caused many wars, my pet, and united many friendships. If this Maggie had wanted your vampire, she would have already taken him. There are many spells that could compel him to do so, but the cost is too great. By keeping his friendship without compelling his love, she has gifted him to you to protect.”
She raised an eyebrow, “I can’t protect him.”
“But you already have. My visions told me so. I will teach you more. You will be stronger than ever.” He promised, before taking the godawful bubbling concoction and tossing it back, swallowing it all down like he was drinking an icy glass of water.
Chapter 6
I was disgustedand also intrigued. The ogre himself was not appealing but the man, I could barely admit this out loud, and in fact, I won’t, but he had piqued my interest. Maybe my interest was piqued before, when he was just an odd soul in an even odder body, but with the downing of his repulsive charm, he transformed into a towering masterpiece.
Gone were the tusks and jade skin, lying in its place was an expanse of milky planes and muscles. But what he didn’t remove, or maybe couldn’t, was my family seal encrusted upon his chest. I itched to touch it, to touch him again. I urged to run my finger over every mark on his body. The ruins he claimed could not be hidden, sat on display in soft green sweeps and markings.
Beside me, Libby fanned her face, “You know how to pick em, I’ll give you that.”
“I didn’t pick him. The fates did. I didn’t pick any of my mates, remember?” I pointed out, and I don’t know what my problem was when it came to her. I’m torn between loathing and passiveness. Want, need and a strong desire to keep my distance.
“The fates picked me, and I happen to be a damn prize. I think you should know that. You’re winning at life right now.” Conceited little thing, but she wasn’t wrong. I’ve seen the fates match some unfortunate pairs. At least my mates are pleasant on the eyes. I inhaled, taking in the scent of lavender and the rustic scent of toasted rosemary. They are easy on the senses too.
“I will show you where to sleep.” Lenin mumbled before he walked past, Libby and I followed directly behind him, not paying attention to the others that trailed us.
“I’m so glad that didn’t change.” She whispered.
“What?” I asked, and she leveled me with a ‘you know what’look.
My eyes dropped down, watching his ass, and the flex of the muscles as he walked. I too was happy to see that he kept his ass in perfect form. I jerked my eyes away. What the hell was wrong with me? Fates above, my mother is going to detest this. My eyes dropped again and for the first time since this whole cluster fuck of an adventure started, I honestly wondered if I cared what my mother thought.
Lenin led us to a single room, one that was barely big enough for us to stand, let alone for us all to sleep. But it would have to do, since I personally wasn’t volunteering for the barn. He left for a few minutes before returning with an armful of silk comforters and feathered pillows. He held them out to Libby, “For you, my mate.”
Um, was I not his mate too? Where was my silk? She stared at them awkwardly, before Oak leaned over, “Take them. It’s rude to turn down offerings from a paranormal being. Unless, well, you know what, there are a lot of instances where you should turn down offerings, but I suspect this isn’t one of them.”
She reached out, taking the pile of bedding from his arm, “Thank you.”