Page 15 of Truth
“Careful Justice, your snob is showing.” A delicate brow rose in challenge.
“I am not a snob, I’m – “
“King. We know. You’ve reminded us every two minutes since you followed us out of that cave. Being king of your people doesn’t make you better or greater than them. It’s a title. Everyone breathes. Everyone eats. Everyone feels.”
“But-“ Her finger came up, effectively stopping my argument.
“No one forced you to come with us, you chose to do so willingly.”
Damn it, she was right. She didn’t force me to come, I chose to come. Of course, when I volunteered, I hadn’t expected to receive another mate or else I definitely would have stayed home. I worked my bottom lip between my teeth, before forcing out, “You’re right.”
Her eyes watched my lips before fluttering up to meet mine. She smirked, “I know.”
She didn’t dwell on the fact that I was a total ass, which she very well could have. Instead, she only stood on her tiptoes while pulling me forward by my shirt. My body went rigid, tense with the possibility of her touch that combated the want of it. She never sought me out. I wasn’t Oak. I wasn’t Ellis. I wasn’t Sterling. She didn’t look to me for comfort or affection. Hell, she didn’t look to me for anything, really.
But when her lips touched mine, I forgot all of that and all I could think, all I could feel, were her lips. A growl rose from my chest as my hand unwillingly grabbed her hip, pulling her to me, plastering her chest to my own. I couldn’t stop myself, couldn’t prevent my lips from chasing hers or my tongue from sweeping into her mouth and dueling with the most exotic of promises.
She pulled away first, her chest heaving and her cheeks red as she fought to gather coherency. She licked her lips, and I mirrored her action, tasting her on my lips. I wanted more. I wanted it all. I – no. I refused to fully give in to the fates and their cruel, humorless jokes.
She pushed a strand of hair back before she spoke, “Call Horo.”
“About that –“ She held her finger up to silence me. Why did that work so well?
I sighed. “Thank you.”
The words were heavy leaving my mouth. Words that weren’t often spoken by me. But I understood what she did for me. I understood that she was bringing Horo here not to protect herself, but to offer me a piece of home and comfort. She didn’t need protection; she had three vampires, a fucking ogre and me. Still, she altered my desire to make it her own, not letting me appear weak.
She nodded as she walked away, “I’m heading to shower.”
“Isn’t Ster- “
“Exactly.” She laughed as she disappeared through the doorframe and fuck, there was a part of me, a very slim part, that was fucking jealous of the vampire.
Chapter 9
I was standingunder the spray of water when the door creaked open. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. I could feel her. Taste her scent in the air. Hear my blood pounding as it called to her.
“Mr. Albright? Do you mind if I join you?”
Fuck, when we play games like this it makes me weak. How could anyone deny her, someone so perfect, anything? I cleared my throat, “Miss Johansen? Is that you?”
She laughed, “The one and only.”
I heard her clothing wrestle, and it took all my will not to turn around, not to watch her lower her dress to the ground. Not to ogle her as she allowed her panties to follow. Her footsteps were soft against the tile, so quiet even my enhanced hearing had to strain to fully locate her. The sound of water as it ricocheted off her skin reached my ears before her touch on my back registered.
I tried not to tense, knowing that the cause of the scars she was tracing slowly was just a reminder of a person, of a life, of a time I never want to revisit. Her fingers trailed over each line before she spoke, her breath gently fanning against my damp skin, “Mr. Albright, I do believe this is my favorite part of you.”
I laughed, “Oh really, Miss Johansen? Need I remind you that you already said the same about other parts of my anatomy?”
She laughed, her hands ran over my hips and around my body, before they each met at my cock. She took me in her hands, squeezing slightly, “You have a point, Mr. Albright. Though, sometimes, I need a little reminding.”
“Nothing little here, Miss Johansen.”
“Don’t I know it.” She stated before her hands released my cock and her body traveled around mine, so we were staring into each other’s eyes. “I have a confession to make.”