Page 2 of Truth
“What do you think we need to prepare for when we get there?” Liberty asked to no one in particular.
I huffed out a half laugh, “Well considering this guy lives a day or two’s hike from civilization, not accessible by car, I’m going to guess he’s a psychopath. Probably eats the bodies of people he kills too because, what the hell else is he going to eat up there?”
“Coming from someone who sucks people’s blood for a living.” The shifter mumbled.
“Step a little closer and I’ll show you what it’s like to be drained.”
The shifter stopped walking. He turned slowly, his eyes glowing a florescent yellow as he stared at me, “Gladly.”
Oak turned, pushing both of us, causing additional distance, “Fuck. We will never get there with all this bitching and complaining, and we have to get there fast! Liberty’s life is on the line here.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward, leaving us to follow, “No one has really dealt with Truth for years but by all accounts, from what I can find on the network, he isn’t violent. Just dense. A bit intimidating. I think we will be fine as long as all of you dumbasses keep your mouths shut and don’t challenge him. My information could be wrong, there wasn’t a lot to go by, but you all need to be aware that shit could get real and it could get real fast.”
“So what you’re saying is –“ Ellis let the words drop, waiting for Oak to elaborate.
“When we find the location, we scope it out before letting our location be known. We split up, only exposing some of our group and leaving the others hidden.”
“I’m going.” Liberty replied.
“No.” Everyone answered at the same time.
“Look, I have the necklace, Oak has the book. These are two primary keys that might prove we need his help. Who’s to say he will help otherwise? He’s a recluse. We sought him out, he didn’t seek us.”
“I would feel more comfortable if-“ I started, but she cut me off.
“I said I’m going.”
“She’s right, you know. Justice, Liberty and I will go. Ellis, I want you with Sterling as lookout.” Oak demanded, and I wanted to ask who made him the fucking leader, but shit, I knew nothing about the book. I wouldn’t be able to answer anything about it if asked. But with Ellis? Fuck, I hated working with the bastard. As if Oak heard my thoughts he added, “Stay separated. No one wants to hear your bickering interrupt the meeting.”
“I would like to think we have more control than that.” I responded.
“Well, you don’t.” This time it was Liberty delivering the insult. Somehow, coming from her lips, the words were less infuriating.
I slunk back, not willing to dispute with her. “Fair enough.”
The next stretch of land we trudged in silence. The trees and bushes were thick and without a trail to guide us, we were blindly pushing through. We could get lost out here. We could starve. Freeze. Get permanent injuries. We could die – if we were human. But we weren’t and maybe that’s why this seer picked this place to live. A human would never survive, and therefore would never interrupt his life.
But I wondered if he prepared for our interruption. Was he waiting? Did he know? Would he be knitting a sweater on the porch, waiting for the exact moment of our arrival? Or would we be a surprise? Would he be hostile? Would this whole fucking thing blow up in our faces and end up with our body parts spread throughout California’s mountain range?
We hiked for what felt like forever. Then we stopped and rested. Ate. Drank. Planned. But planning didn’t help. I felt anxious. Agitated. Worried. So many things could go wrong in seeking the unknown and the worst of them ended in Liberty injured, or worse – dead. I was not ready for that; I did not want to think of the possibility. But I couldn’t deny that it was a likelihood either.
She was walking in blind, not knowing who or what she was facing, and she did it with such bravery for a woman who was a hundred percent human weeks ago. We don’t know the extent of her strength; we don’t know her power. It’s the unknown that scares me. The unknown that forces us to risk it all.
It took a day and two full nights before we reached a small dwelling in a man-made clearing in the middle of a circle of pine trees. We were exhausted, only nodding off here and there when we stopped for food and water breaks. And now our destination loomed in front of us, and I feared none of us would have the strength to fight if needed.
“Should we go get some sleep and come back tonight with more strength?” I whispered, even though the seer couldn’t hear me from this distance.
Liberty breathed in the crisp air around us. Her hands rested on her hips, her head tilted back, the tip of her long ponytail almost touching that delicious ass I’ve grown so fond of. “I don’t feel threatened.”
“Me either.” Justice agreed, his stance mocking hers.
“I think we should proceed.” Oak added.
“I just – I don’t want us to be too tired to fight.” Or for Liberty to get hurt, but I left that thought out.
“Five against one, I think we could handle our own just fine.” Justice countered.
I fucking despised that guy. Who was he to say what was best for Liberty’s wellbeing? He just met her and now he was following her around like a puppy chasing a treat. She was no treat of his. She was ours. I don’t give a fuck about what that tattoo seared into her skin says. She picked us and fate approved. She never had a choice with him.
“I want one of you on each side of the house, diagonally, in the trees. If shit goes south, don’t be seen sneaking in.” Oak instructed as he pointed out his ideal location.