Page 29 of Truth
“More so than having him arrive home after sixty years, with three vampires and me as a mate?”
“I guess not.” Horo laughed, “You definitely weren’t something we expected.”
“Nevertheless, we are both good, I assume.” Liberty’s authority of the room was apparent the moment she even thought an insult would come to one of her men. Her protective nature was hot.
Horo nodded vigorously, as if Liberty was more powerful than his King, “Yes. Of course.”
Justice made a sound of approval, before sitting at Lenin’s side. “Horo tells me the rest of my people, the other species of shifters, have long since disappeared with very little trace.”
Liberty cleared her throat, “I had wanted to talk about that.”
Oak’s eyebrows rose, “What exactly?”
There was a commotion at the door, a loud crash before the heavy wood slammed and everyone instantly was on their feet. Liberty rolled her eyes, “Relax, it’s just Michelle.”
As if the command issued had the power to control everyone in the room, each man visibly relaxed, our shoulders losing tension before the ones closest to the table sat. I turned to the griddle now that I knew the threat had passed and poured the first pancakes onto the hot iron. Oak got up and went to the fridge, grabbed the eggs and creamer before coming back to the island.
I raised a brow in question before he replied. “Coffee and eggs.”
He poured his coffee, before taking down a bowl and began cracking the whole carton into it. He grabbed a whisk while I flipped the pancakes and scrambled the bowl’s contents before putting a pan on the stove and lighting the fire below it.
“Two men who cook?” Michelle observed the moment she walked in, “Lucky bish.”
Horo cleared his throat, a starry-eyed look on his face as he stood, “I can cook.”
Michelle looked at Liberty, “New addition?”
Liberty shook her head before taking the last bit of cookie. She spoke around a mouth full, “Nope. All yours.”
She held out her hand, “Michelle.” Like a damn sucker, he grabbed her hand and kissed it, causing Michelle to nearly swoon. “I think I’ll keep this one.”
I had no doubt that she would, or at least try until he bored her. Oak and I continued making breakfast while everyone else chatted at the table. When the food was done, we loaded it on platters, placing it in the middle of the table while Sterling grabbed enough plates and utensils for everyone.
“You all get the dishes this time.” Sterling made sure to announce, probably still traumatized from the last time we made him partake in actual manual labor.
“I do not mind washing dishes. I find it relaxes the mind.” Lenin responded, and I wasn’t shocked. Of course he didn’t mind doing the dishes. It didn’t seem like much phased this guy. Liberty was going to have a ball with that robot during sex. I cringed as I thought it, it felt wrong to even assume she was going to have intimacy with anyone outside of our vampire circle.
“I’ll help do them.” Liberty offered before scooping up some eggs onto her plate.
“No.” Justice cut in and everyone looked at him in shock. He cleared his throat, “I mean, I’ll help. You girls can go – what do girls still do? Paint your nails?”
“I’m mildly insulted that you think I can’t afford to have someone else paint my nails.” Michelle chimed in, “But also impressed that Libby has all these males falling over themselves to do shit for her.” She turned to her friend, “Good for you girl. Like seriously, good for fucking you. You deserve it.”
Sterling looked to Michelle’s nails, “Can you afford it?”
“No.” She huffed, “I wait tables for fates’ sake.”
Liberty grabbed the plate of pancakes, taking a stack before passing them to her friend. “Eat these. Imported vanilla and Ellis makes the best food.”
Well, at that declaration, I was feeling sort of smug. Sure, Oak protects her, Sterling feeds her sugar and caffeine addiction, Lenin and Justice do dishes for her but I, well,Imake the best food, and that is something I will spend all afternoon bragging about.
We had all sat down, our plates overflowing with food, when Liberty cleared her throat, “So… as I was saying earlier –“ Shit. When she got that look in her eyes, I already knew I would hate this idea. Hell, the way the others’ backs grew straight, I figured they would too. “I want to free the camps.”
Oak blinked a few times, “I’m sorry, what?”
“The camps. Greta has camps, I know this because Michelle’s family is in one of them. If we could free them, maybe we could have a better chance at –“
“We have a chance now.” Oak’s voice boomed, “I absolutely will not put you in anymore danger.”