Page 34 of Truth
“It is no worry of yours, my visions have not crystalized enough to say for sure.” It was no worry of mine, yet it worried him, which meant it was important. “Tonight, I will teach you about warding.”
He opened up his bag, removing his supplies and setting them on an iron table in front of us. “Lavender, black obsidian, rosemary, amethyst, frankincense, and Hawaiian black salt. Maggie obtained the crushed amethyst and black obsidian. In most cases, these stones are used whole, but I needed the greater potency.”
I ran my fingers through the crushed stone, feeling the fine power stick to my fingers. “And what do we do with it?”
“We combine the ingredients while speaking the words of protection, graced to me by the fates. Then we sprinkle the blessed mixture around the perimeter, paying extra attention to the corners of the property, and main entry points.”
“And this works?” I didn’t want to offend him and at this point, I should believe everything they told me because time and time again the world has proven that there is more out there than there seems to be at first glance, but I can’t help but question.
“If this does not protect you, my Kitten, then I will do so, using my own body as your shield.” Not a smile. Not an eyebrow wag. Absolutely no indication that he was being dramatic or joking.
“So chivalrous.” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work. “You may jest, but I know that we all will do the same. The fates created our lives to protect you and the pup, nothing more. We will all do as the fates asked if and when the moment comes.”
When? I certainly hoped not. I didn’t want to think of any harm coming to these men and I most certainly didn’t want to think of – of – pups or whatever they choose to call them. “You were put here on this earth for more reasons than just protecting me.”
He shook his head, “My father, before his death, told me that each person has one purpose in their life. His was to construct your Oak’s book. He made that clear. All books prior were nothing compared to the importance of Oak’s book. My purpose was unclear for I envisioned what filled your books, but what’s a vision if it makes no sense? Until you. You make sense. You bring my visions together. You are my purpose.”
I didn’t want to be his purpose. I hardly knew how to handle myself; I couldn’t feel responsible for him and the others too. “I don’t want to be responsible for any of you. I just-“ Fuck, what did I want? I just wanted them to myself for as long as that was humanly or maybe inhumanly possible. “I just want you. Not your sense of service.”
A heavy sigh left him before his hands spanned my waist and lifted my body up onto the iron table. His fingers released me before he formed fists and rested them on each side of my hips. He lowered his body enough so our eyes were level, “Is it so hard to accept that with one you get the other, Little Kitten?”
“I-“ I paused, not really sure what I wanted to say. I wanted them all. That was one thing I was a hundred percent sure of. I wanted them all safe, too. “I just want you to have a choice. I want you to be with me not because the fates tell you to, but because that is what you have chosen. If – and it’s a bigif– harm comes my way and you must throw yourself in front of me, I want it to be a choice you make from your feelings, not one you must make out of obligation.”
He reached up and brushed my hair out of my face, and my heart fluttered. The action so much more human and less robotic than he is used to displaying. “Do you fear that we do not care for you?”
I didn’t doubt they cared, they all displayed it. But with so much talk of fate and destiny, a part of me worried if they could control their attraction. Or could I? I wouldn’t want to change my reaction to them. I’ve grown attached to each one, even in the short time. “I fear that you have no choice in the matter.”
He leaned in, his nose grazing the crook of my neck before he pulled back, “Do you think that just because fate gives me guidance and visions I have to obey? That I have no free will?”
“I don’t know what to think.” My fingers wrapped around the tassel of his tunic hanging down, “I’ve never had to deal with fates in the human world.”
“You have gods. God. Destiny. History. It is all written by the fates and simplified for humans.”
“Do you think a human does not strive in your world?” I pulled on his tassel and he lowered a little more, his long braid falling over his shoulder and brushing against my thigh.
“I think.” His voice sounded strained, less controlled than the normal Lenin I know, “I think humans choose not to accept what they don’t understand, and what they do accept, can only be offered and absorbed in small doses.”
“So you think we are simple minded.” I probed.
A knowing smile transformed his face before he answered, “You, Little Kitten, are far from simple minded.”
Then he leaned down and his lips captured mine and for a moment, I forgot all about protection spells and body shields, all about the fates and destiny. I forgot about ruling people and bearing children. Fight creatures and saving souls.
I forgot that the universe existed around me, when inside of me my heart nearly burst, my mind shorted, and my body pulsed with the magic that surrounded us.
Chapter 16
“Absolutely not!”I nearly growled when Justice mentioned Liberty coming with us to liberate the camps.
“We are strong enough to protect her.” I’m glad he thought so, but even then, it wasn’t worth the risk. “Plus, do you really think she would willingly let us go alone?”
Oak flopped down in the nearest chair, his fingers running through his hair, leaving the strands in disarray. “Not a fucking chance, unfortunately. She’s too stubborn to be left behind.”
It was true, but if there was the slightest possibility that she would stay here, I think I could speak for everyone when I say that we should take that possibility and run with it, trying to make it a reality. Every one of us wanted her safety, even when she was too stubborn to see the importance of it, of her, in this situation.