Page 2 of Retribution
“It’s an observation.”
I didn’t speak for a moment, content with watching him. I took a deep breath, ignoring the pain. “Who are you?”
He smirked, cockiness painting his face. “I’m tempo, beat, pulse, flow, cadence –”
“What does that even mean?”
“It’s a reference. It means –” The phone in my hand chirped loudly, cutting off the man in front of me.
My heart skipped, then pulsed sporadically. My fingers shook as I lifted my cell phone. Relief and fear flooded me as I viewed the name.Ellis. He was calling me. At least, I hoped it was Ellis, but I feared that it wasn’t. Were they safe? Unharmed? Lenin? Was he alive?
“Are you just going to let that ring?” The man asked, an eyebrow raised.
I hit the answer button and waited anxiously as the video call connected. Five seconds, then ten, before Ellis' face filled the screen, crowded close by Lenin. They were alive, okay, perfect, really. Except –
“You’re hurt.”
“And you’re blonde!” Ellis wiped at his nose. “Yeah, this one was sort of self-inflicted, but overall we are fine.”
I tugged at the tips of my hair that had somehow turned color. “A little. Were you guys successful?”
“We had a few complications, but we got the captives out, and your Ellis and I are fine,” Lenin answered.
“Ellis?” the cryptic man standing in front of me asked.
Ellis’ head tilted to the side, his brows scrunching together. “Is that-”
The phone left my hand before I could blink, the man scowling at the screen. “I’ll be damned. Who would have thought you hadn’t been staked yet?”
“Fucking, Rolland, you’ve been MIA for thirty fucking years. I thought you were bone and dust by now.”
Rolland, that was his name, gave a real genuine smile to the phone. “If only it were that simple.” His eyes fell to me. “You know this girl? I mean, obviously. But what are the odds?”
“She’s mine; don’t you dare try to fuck with her - mine.” Ellis’ voice was stern.
“Too late.” He smirked, but the threat in Ellis' voice was more playful than anything, and his friend’s response suggested he knew it.
“Give Liberty back the phone; I’ll deal with you later.” God, I was so fucking relieved that Ellis was okay.
“You’ll try,” the man responded just as Oak and Sterling came over, hovering over my shoulder.
Rolland handed me back my phone, and Ellis and Lenin’s beautiful faces filled my vision again. Such a relief, a fucking relief. “I was calling to let you know we are on our way back home. You guys successful on your end?”
“You’re looking at us, aren’t you?”
“Justice?” Lenin asked, and my stomach tightened again.
I didn’t know about Justice or Horo; I had no words. My gut told me he was alive, that if he were dead, I would feel it. But right now, my entire body was off, being controlled by fate and biology, and I might not have been the best judge of character.
“I’m still waiting on his call,” I admitted.
“He is well, of that I am sure,” Lenin supplied. “He will contact you.”
He better or the wrath will fall upon him, and I don’t just mean the rage that fate dealt him. He should have finished by now. He should have been on his way home, but so far, I had got no communication. No messages. No calls.
“You do not look well, Kitten.”Gee. Thanks.
“She’s weak. She used more power than I thought possible, as well as-” Oak paused, “What we discussed.”