Page 9 of Retribution
The two of them separately were hot. The two of these men together, a scorching fire that even water couldn’t douse. The heat level radiated off them, fueling the embers that were sparking to life in my core. The soft groans and moans, the confident touches, the worshipping they did to each other’s body and my own. This was different from how my vampires showed me love, different from the way they made love. This was a fated connection, a passion-driven affair so far past the taboo of society that all I could do was bathe in the light it brought my soul.
Justice’s hand left my body and grabbed Lenin’s wrist, stilling his actions. He didn’t have to explain why; we all knew the importance of this dance we were shuffling in. Instead, Justice moved Lenin’s hands to my thighs, forcing Justice closer to my body and Lenin to change angles, positioning his cock to hit the bundle of nerves with each drag up and each push down. It was intense, but so was the vision in front of me. I couldn’t look away; I didn’t want to. The way Lenin’s cheek and tusk nuzzled against Justice’s back and shoulder lovingly, caring, was a sight I knew I’d keep with me.
I was close, ready to detonate at the softest touch, and my mates, they both knew. Justice’s hand dropped down my body, finding the junction of my thighs. He bypassed my clit in favor of running his hand over Lenin for a few strokes before stroking his fingers against me. It only took a single touch of his fingers against my nerves before I was coming undone, my body fire, my mind sparks. If it weren’t for Justice, I would have instantly collapsed.
“Kitten.” The words tore from Lenin’s throat like a tortured scream.
Below me, Lenin’s fingers gripped into my thighs, his hands shaking as he tried to fight against my body, but it was no use. His body buckled upwards; a long low growl escaped his lips before he swelled inside of me, releasing himself in spurts as my body’s orgasm gripped and coaxed his pleasure from him.
When the pleasure ebbed, and my body was completely limp, Justice lifted me off Lenin and cradled me against his chest. The look was so utterly tender as he peered down at me, so affectionate, I had to look away. I wasn’t used to the adoration on his face. It wasn’t like Oak or Sterling or Ellis. The admiration from Justice wasn’t just given; it was earned.
“Mate?” Justice’s voice boomed, and both Lenin and I hummed in response. “Leave us.”
Without question, Lenin stood, his whole body wobbled as he tried to get his footing on weak legs. When he was sure he wasn’t going to fall face-first into the ground, he grabbed his pants and pulled them over his hip before taking the few steps toward us.
He stopped in front of the two of us before leaning down and kissing my forehead. “It will be done.”
Then he nodded to Justice before walking out of the room, letting the door click shut loudly behind him.
Chapter 5
It will be done.The words vibrated through my mind long after my mate had left the room. I didn’t question his words; I knew what he meant. To father the next great ruler was nearly more pressure than I could handle. I wasn’t excited like one would think I would be; I was scared. So much had been thrown at me over the last few weeks, more than I had fully processed. But the two things I was positive I could handle, positive were meant to be were Lenin and Liberty, and for them, I would do what I had to.
In my arms, she whimpered. The gnawing in her core becoming more insistent, more demanding after being repeatedly unsatisfied. Oh, she was satisfied sexually, of that I was sure. Not a single man in this household would leave her wanting, but the clawing from her inside out was more than that; it was demanding the biological components needed to satisfy her. The biology only I could provide.
I gazed down at her again, so much beauty in my arms, and for a moment, I hated myself for denying her all this time, hated myself for rejecting her when it was clear now that she was mine. Maybe that was part of the drive, part of the overwhelming urge to mate with her, to provide with and for her. But now, in this moment, there was no longer a question, she was made for me, and I would show her just how much.
I laid her body on the bed, the loss of my heat causing her to shiver instantly. She looked tiny, frail, weak before me, but I knew differently. I knew that the small woman in front of me was a powerhouse of energy. She was stronger than us all. Braver than most men. After she rescued me, while on the plane back to the states, I once questioned if she would be strong enough to handle mating. If she, the girl that wore my family crest like a badge of honor instead of loathed it for the choice that was taken, would be able to survive it? But now, I had no doubt. No doubt at all.
I put one knee on the bed, then the next, until I was kneeling beside her, my fingers thrumming over her thighs and up to the flat stomach that I knew would carry this kid that the weight of our world depended on.Shit.
“What’s wrong?”
She’s wracked with pain, and she’s worried about me? I opened my mouth to speak but – “How did you get blonde in your hair? When did you even have time for that?”
She blinked a few times. “We are both naked, alone, and that’s what you’re thinking about? It’s a long story.”
A story I was sure I would hear all about later. “No, I wasn’t thinking about that, but I like it.” I took a deep breath in before letting it out slowly. “I’m anxious.”
She raised a brow. “About?”
Her body scrunched up as another wave hit her, and I felt guilty that she had to go through this because of me, because she found me in that cave and saved me. But the guilt wasn’t enough to force me to regret it. “This.”
“Sex? I mean, I know it’s been a long time, but you seemed to pick up where you left off a few minutes ago.”
I felt a blush rise through my body, heating my skin. She wasn’t wrong. I’d admit I had never done anything sexual with a man, but with Lenin, it didn’t seem wrong. It felt like one of the most fitting things I’ve done my whole life.
“Are you ready for this? For us? It’s permanent,” I sputtered out.
“Is this mark plastered on my chest not already permanent? Maybe I was trying to wash it off wrong?” She rubbed the mark, and my cock twitched, and my chest rumbled at the insult of her trying to get rid of my mark.
“I meant with what’s about to happen. I’ve never done this before, but it’s – it’s a biological response.”
“Are you asking if I’m okay being knocked up because honestly, I’ve barely processed the fact that I have five guys to satisfy my every need and whim.” I laid my head on her stomach, her hands instantly falling to it, holding my head in place as my lips kissed her abdomen. “But, I trust in the end, all this will be worth it, and I can take those five hunks and live our lives without fear.”
I bit her skin, the soft flesh soft between my teeth. “I do not regret what the fates have given me.” My teeth traveled upwards until I was nibbling the skin just under her breasts. “I want you to know that.”