Page 77 of Resisted
“I was thinking maybe afternoon or evening.”
“Morning then?”
I grunted but pulled her closer. “Morning then.”
“I know you’re mad at him, but I don’t want that to stop you from helping him.”
“Mad?” I laughed. “Baby. You think me being mad at him would stop me from throwing my whole body in front of a train just to save him?”
“I-I would hope you’d never do something that drastic.” She bit her lip, and I couldn’t help but bring my fingers to her jaw and tilt her head before leaning down and capturing it, saving those lips from her assault.
I pulled away. “I would. Without blinking.”
The front door handle jiggled, and I saw her whole body perk up, hoping it was Silas. Just by scent, though, I knew she would be disappointed. When Boyce appeared, her shoulders slouched again, and I knew it wasn’t because she was disappointed to see Boyce. Her heartbeat told me she was happy to see him, but her worry for Silas overrode her excitement. Boyce walked toward us, shopping bags in hand, and placed them on the coffee table before sitting down on the other side of Bella.
She instantly gravitated to him, her arms wrapping around his waist, and she readjusted herself so that her feet were in my lap. I didn’t mind. It was satisfying to see my mate, our mate, caring for everyone in our subpack. I just wished she knew what she was to us. I almost told her, the words had almost slipped out of my mouth a thousand and one times, but I held back, knowing it wasn’t my place or my job to tell her. Silas had planned on telling her, and regardless of the situation, I knew he would.
Boyce leaned down and kissed her forehead before offering her a chocolate Kiss. “I brought the requested movie snacks. Did you pick a movie?”
She picked up a DVD, the case layered in dust. It had been a long time since we’d watched movies. I was shocked she’d found one of interest. “Shrek.”
“Shrek?” Boyce and I both asked at once.
“Yes. It’s hilarious, lighthearted, and it has a happily ever after.”
“Is that a happily ever after, though?” Boyce asked, raising a brow. “She’s stuck as an ogre.”
She smacked his chest. “It’s about love, Boyce. Who cares if she’s an ogre?”
For a moment, his eyes softened before he said. “Yeah it is.”
I got up, took the DVD from her hand, and after removing the case, popped it into the disc player. Then I unloaded the snacks onto the table and sat down, offering her a soda before breaking open a bag of chips.
The movie had just started playing when she broke the silence with, “Tomorrow then?”
“Tomorrow, baby,” I muttered before squeezing her feet, and I feel the relief from both Boyce and Bella.
She never made it to the end of the movie. In fact, the minute the snacks ran out, she was asleep. We let the movie play out, and when the credits rolled, I stood, scooping her out of Boyce’s lap and carrying her down the hall. Boyce turned off the TV and followed, but when I got to the rows of bedroom doors, I froze. I didn’t want to part with her, didn’t want to leave her. Not when my body already insisted it needed her touch to be soothed and content.
“Your bed is the biggest,” Boyce whispered over my shoulder, and I stopped for a moment, looking back at him. He was right—it was bigger. But I’d never expected to have to decide on if I should share it with my mate or not. That was never in the plans. Would she be mad if I assumed?
I pondered it for a second more before I decided, fuck it, let her be mad. I’d make it up to her in all the delicious ways I know how. I turned toward my room, using my foot to push open the door before walking into the dark. I felt the edge of my bed hit my thighs, and I stopped, bending down to gently lay Bella in the middle of the bed. The door to the room closed, cutting off the slight stream of light from the hallway, and I tilted my head in that direction, seeing Boyce’s form moving toward us.
It was the biggest bed, and though I mase it a point to not share my bed with any of my pack mates, now was the time for an exception. Now that we had a mate, the argument over space seemed void and it wasn’t worth my time. I crawled onto the bed, moving myself to the opposite side of Bella before I felt the bed dip with Boyce’s body weight moments before I drifted off to sleep.
I wokewith Bella’s arm slung over me and sunlight streaming in my eyes a few hours later. I cracked my eyes enough to see Bella’s hair spilled all over my pillow, and my heart nearly stopped at the sight. Beautiful. God, it was beautiful. I looked past her to Boyce, who was still asleep on his stomach, using his arms as a pillow, while his thigh was slung over Bella’s. I didn’t mind the sight. In fact, I liked it more than I thought I would. It felt right, like the rest of the piece of home we’d been missing all the years as a subpack.
Only the tiniest of chips was missing, but we needed to fix that, didn’t we? I lifted my hand and moved it slowly, not wanting to wake them with a sudden movement. My hand slowly traveled down my body to my pocket and pulled out my phone, lifting the device to view my notifications.
Nothing. He hadn’t called, hadn’t texted. Normally, I wouldn’t worry, but nothing about this whole situation screamed normal. He’d never left without telling us before now, never just took off without having all of us weigh in on the situation. Maybe we’d been too rough on him in the barn? Though I doubted that was it. Silas could handle a whole shitload of stuff. A verbal disagreement wouldn’t phase him so drastically that he would just leave.
“We’ll talk to Roth now, right?”
Bella’s voice was rough with sleep, and fuck, I loved the sound. “Yeah, baby. I’ll talk to Roth.”
“Can I come?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” I muttered.