Page 91 of Resisted
I swear each second that ticked by seemed like a lifetime, each fucking moment a damn eternity, until Roth’s fingers finally went to his earpiece as he listened intently. He mumbled a few quick words back, but I couldn’t comprehend them. My hearing was constricted as the blood pumped through my body, anticipation thrumming through me. I needed to go in. I had to do it.
“They’re securing the exit now.” He ducked through the bars I’d previously gone through to make his way into the room. “Line up your shot. When it’s time, you lead.”
Lead? I’d never fucking lead a thing in my life, unless you counted me leading a lady to my bedroom. Now Roth, the alpha of the pack, was putting me in charge of this rescue and slaughter mission? I had to have heard him wrong. There was no way he would give me the lead.
“Excuse me?” I whispered.
He lowered his voice as we got closer. “You lead.”
“I can’t fucking lead,” I hissed.
“Well you are, so have fun with it.” He patted me on my back as he neared the corner, taking his first visual of the situation. He licked his lips as he eyed it. “Might I make a suggestion?”
Like I would tell him no.
He proceeded to break down exactly how he would hypothetically take them down, and I listened. Not just because he was Roth and when Roth spoke, everyone fucking listened, but because this wasn’t about me. This was about leaving here with my whole subpack intact, and if I lost a little pride along the way, it would be worth it.
When he finally stopped speaking, I absorbed it all for a moment. “Bella won’t like this.”
“No one is going to tell Bella,” he stated.
Not tell her? She was right fucking there with us. “But—”
“It’ll be a risk if she knows.”
As he spoke, I knew this to be true. If Bella knew what we were about to do, she absolutely would not allow it. Hell, she would try to prevent it, and I couldn’t have that on my conscience. I needed to keep her as safe as possible, and Roth’s plan was sound, solid. It would work. It absolutely should work.
“Let’s do it.” The words hadn’t fully left my mouth before he was on the headset, relaying the plan to Vince and Rig. They both agreed, but it didn’t calm my nerves any. This could end up being a fucking shit show, though I prayed the fates were on our side. When the message was shared and everyone had moved into position, it was up me.
I stepped forward, knowing Roth was at my back, and peeked around the side of the wall again. No one was watching. They were all too fucking cocky to think that we could sneak up on them in a place like this, and watching the windows when all you could possibly see from their angle was the fucking ocean just proved how dumb the fuckers were.
I steading my gun as I zoomed in on my target.
Water.I nearly snorted out loud at the fucker who thought that alone would heal what they had done to my family. That anyone, shifter or human, could come back from the abuse that lay before them with fucking water.
I focused.
I found my center.
I assessed my target.
All things that Silas had taught me were important if I had to take a kill shot, but I’d never been as good as him. I’d never been able to master a kill shot with a single bullet.The number of bullets doesn’t matter, as long as they’re dead.It was something Silas himself had reassured me of numerous times. Life. Experience. Age. That was what Silas and Vince had, and they’d assured me I’d get there.
I would get there, but not today. Today, I wanted as many bullets as possible pebbled into their bodies. I wanted them to feel pain, to bleed, to be afraid. I wanted to be the one who held their beating heart in my hand for the few pulses it took to empty the chambers of its blood and die in my grasp.
Greasy fingers went to Silas’ hair, and his head was yanked. I fought a growl.Focus.The water moved toward Silas’ lips, and I closed a single eye, keeping my target in my vision.Focus.The water made it toward Silas, touching the blood that dripped from his mouth.
Then I pulled the trigger.
There was a moment’s delay before his body jolted back, then I pulled again, watching the bullet sail through the air and into his chest. If I were human, I never would have caught the speed, but I wasn’t human. I was a fucking animal, and watching the final bullet head for a destination meant for death and destruction made me want to beat my chest with approval.
It landed in its target, knocking him back with such force that his body skidded across the cement floor, only stopping when the wall intercepted. Blood began to pool out of the wound, and for a moment, the whole room was silent as they watched the man’s life drain away. Then chaos reigned as they turned, seeking out repayment for the man they’d lost, only to be met with a wall of shifters, ready to deal them the punishment they deserved.
Chapter 40
The shots fired wereour cue to make ourselves known, and with Bella staying behind with Rig and his team, I knew this was about to get a lot more complicated. Not because I didn’t trust her to listen—though honestly, I didn’t—but because I could feel her fear rolling off of her and it was interfering with my concentration.