Page 4 of Not a Tribute
I see his rage burn through him like wildfire through a dry brush. His dragon pushes to the forefront, his features moving beneath Liam’s skin, fighting for dominance, but he easily fights his beast back. His touch remains gentle as he feels the extent of my wound.
“Who did this?” he demands, his voice low and menacing.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Tell me!” he roars to the heavens, making me jump. “I will not have you harmed by anyone.”
Will not have me harmed? I must be dreaming. Why would this alpha care if I got hurt?
“My father.” The words are a whispered curse as they fall from my lips.
He nods before removing his hand and placing it around my neck. For a moment, I wanted to believe I could be free, safe even, but that was only a moment in time. He stares at me, lust filling his gaze as his thumb rubs along my bottom lip. Slowly, he lowers his head to mine, brushing his lips over mine in a kiss so gentle I never would have thought it possible of a man his size.
His scent—dark rich coffee—permeates my senses and has an involuntary gasp falling from my lips. He uses the opportunity to plunder my mouth with his tongue. He kisses me at a leisurely pace, taking what he wants and sending my hormones on a rampage of their own.
“This is going to hurt,” he says but I am too wrapped up in my arousal to hear his words.
In seconds, I am flat on my back, the hard earth beneath me as the air leaves my lungs. Before I have a chance to orientate myself, Liam pulls my jean shorts from my body and discards them behind him. I push at his hands, trying to get him off me but I know it is futile.
Before I can protest, he spears me with his cock, burying himself deep inside my virgin pussy. A scream tears from me at the pain between my thighs and in my side.
“Fuck!” he roars to the heavens, not once stopping his onslaught. “What have you done to me?”
He leans over my body, staring down at me with crazed eyes and a deep frown. The pain is fading and after long moments all I feel is full. Each thrust reaches deep within me, sending waves of pleasure throughout my system. Everything else falls away, even the pain in my side, everything except the ecstasy burning through my veins, pushing me higher and higher with each thrust.
I know I have hurt her even though it was never my intention. I never imagined this female would be untouched but the moment I shoved my cock inside her, I knew the truth. I felt her virgin barrier give way as I buried myself deep within her cunt.
She is far too tempting and much too beautiful for no other Alpha to have ever laid claim. And yet, there is blood coating my coat, proof that I am the first to ever enter her. It doesn’t make any sense but there it is.
The tears that fall from her beautiful green eyes only send my dragon on a rampage, pushing to once more shift, but I am able to hold him back. Barely.
Now, I feel her walls tremble with her oncoming orgasm, the smell of lilies so strong it burns my nostrils. Never have I had a female react to my fucking this way. Even in the pleasure houses, the females cannot fake what is about to happen here. A female can’t achieve an orgasm with anyone but her true fated mate. But things like that no longer exist. There are no fated mates anymore, now it’s just a legend of a time long since passed.
Is that what this is?
My mind is a mess and I fuck her harder. If I can just reach my orgasm and be done with her, everything will return to normal. I can go on my way and forget about this tempting little female. But I never get the chance. Her orgasm slams into her, taking us both by surprise and forcing my own orgasm to explode from me.
Cum leaves me in long spurts, filling her, coating her from the inside.
What has me roaring to the heavens, the thing thatsurprises me above all else, is the fact that my length keeps swelling. Against my body, near the base of my cock, it swells to nearly twice the size, locking me inside her. She screams, her back bowing off the ground as her body convulses with a second, stronger orgasm.
Her pussy grips my cock so tight I wonder if she will rip the appendage clean off. For long moments, neither of us move as pleasure takes both of us for a ride neither of us was expecting. It’s the best goddamned sex of my life and I can’t wait to do it again.
Again? Fuck, I planned on walking away from her once I had my fill but now I want to keep her. Always.
Below me, the little female becomes pliant, sated after the two orgasms. A soft smile graces her face as she passes out. It takes me a few minutes to calm my heart rate and start to make sense of everything that happened. I catalog every moment, from the instant my dragon went on his rampage until now, and only one thing makes sense.
I have found my fated mate.
For the first time in a thousand years, a mated couple will be part of our realm. I don’t know how any of this is possible but nothing else fits.
Turning my body, I hold her prone form close to my chest as I lay beneath her. The movement has a small moan falling from her lips as her sleeping form wiggles against me. My cock, my knot, is still locked inside her.
I want to wake her and fuck her again, but I need to give her time to rest. She has been wounded by her father, something I will be avenging soon enough, and I just stripped her of her innocence by rutting her in the ground like a fucking animal. When I said it would hurt, I meant her wounded side, not the sex.