Page 17 of Badari Medic

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Page 17 of Badari Medic

He wondered how Raeblin was doing. Surely her homecoming had been warmer and more welcoming than his, especially if the goddess had sent a message she wasn’t in trouble over saving him. He sent her a quick text on his handheld and briefly wished they could spend time together but he frankly wasn’t in the mood tonight. He’d be lousy company and her feelings might get hurt.

It was too much to deal with although he guessed he’d have to eventually. Brent closed his eyes and forced himself to go to sleep. Maybe he’d have more clarity in the morning.

In the morninghe got up, drank two nutrition drinks, dressed in running shorts and a tee shirt, put on his boots and headed out for a run as he did every day when he wasn’t deployed. He ended up at the training compound which the Badari had built and rehydrated while he contemplated the obstacle course. The facility was deserted at this hour and he definitely didn’t want any witnesses to what he was about to do. Going to the starting point, he hit the stopwatch function on his wrist chrono and launched into the most difficult of the three courses, which was the one for Badari. He’d run it before and of course his time had been abysmal and he’d had to walk around a couple of the obstacles, to his endless displeasure, but the Badari had their inner predator to help them. Despite Raeblin’s blood, he wasn’tgoing to end up with one of those, but he had to know what he was capable of.

Barely a quarter of the way in, he could tell he was setting a personal record and things kept getting better. He didn’t have to skip any of the obstacles and when he crossed the finish line and hit the stopwatch button, he was gratified. Not close to the best time for a Badari but significantly better than any human could do. He knew, because he’d been the top scoring human to ever try the damn course. So Raeblin’s gift had definitely given him physical advantages he’d be using the next time he deployed on a mission.

There was the sound of clapping and he looked up with annoyance to see Camron, a senior soldier, standing next to the building. “You were damn good out there,” Camron said in a genuinely positive tone. He came forward, extending a hand. “Welcome to the packs, brother.”

As he shook the man’s hand, Brent said dismissively, “Yeah, good for a human. Or a Badari cub maybe.”

“No, I could see the improvement. You’ll never morph into one of us, as I’m sure you understand, but you have gifts. Your job is to figure out how to integrate your new capabilities into what the pack does. Make your own place, don’t try to be one of us or remain a human.”

Although his mood remained unsettled, Brent appreciated Camron’s advice. The two of them were teaching an all-day class for the latest human recruits to the fighting force and after he’d showered and dressed in utilities and the ubiquitous black tee shirt, he and Camron discussed their agenda and goals for the day’s session.

The humans were all volunteers and several had previous military experience, although nothing like Brent’s time in the Special Forces. The group was motivated and enthusiastic and he and Camron made a good team, taking turns running thevarious events and giving instruction. He guessed he’d needed something like this to get his mind off the drastic changes in his life.

At the midday break he and Camron walked to the commissary together to grab lunch, talking over the morning and making adjustments to the planned curriculum for the afternoon. Camron was a solid guy, a senior soldier and Brent respected him. He also checked his handheld briefly and saw a quick reply from Raeblin to his message last night.

Everything’s fine with me, her text said.Congratulations on joining the pack.

Which set him off again and he turned off the device without replying.

As he entered the busy commissary and went through the line with Camron, Brent encountered Lydima, working today as a server. She gave him a bright greeting and leaned across the counter as she ladled beans and sauce onto his plate and added fresh bread. “Long time no see,” she said. “Listen, the women’s dorm is putting on a party tonight, out on the square. You got back just in time. Dancing, feelgoods, the works—Aydarr okayed it as one of his official social events. We could go together? Or maybe meet up. We don’t have to stay too long,” she added with a saucy wink. “We could have our own party in a more private location, like last time.”

Lydima was pretty, well built and ready for anything in the bedroom. She was one of several women in the valley he’d dated casually and his first instinct was to agree to meet her at the party and take the encounter private as she’d suggested. But even as he opened his mouth to make the arrangements, Brent had a vision of Raeblin in the bed with him in the Wanderer’s cave and he couldn’t form the words. Any desire he’d had for what Lydima was offering fled, leaving nothing negative abouther in his thoughts in any way. She wasn’t Raeblin and he wasn’t interested.

“Maybe I’ll see you there,” he said as casually as possible and turned to join Camron, who was waiting with his full tray a few feet away.

The senior soldier made no comment but led the way to the Badari Warriors tables. Brent had been invited to eat at the table a few times as a guest of one soldier or another but he realized this time was different. Now he was one of them so of course he’d be sitting there and never again anywhere else. The Badari kept to themselves and Brent remembered Aydarr’s stringent admonition from last night, about how not a single shred of information was to be given to the humans. He supposed word hadn’t spread yet among the human population of his change in status, although obviously all the Badari were aware, thanks to the pack bond.

He acknowledged the greetings from a few of the men he’d deployed with one time or another and sat next to Camron. As he dug into his food, he and the senior soldier continued their conversation about the training class. Suddenly Brent heard a harsh laugh and a crude comment from the other end of the table thanks to his newly enhanced hearing, and he was on his feet and challenging the man, right in his face.

“You care to repeat that?” he said.

The Badari got to his feet, towering over Brent by at least a foot. “I said,human, the Badari Daughters are lowering the standard for all of us, preferring puny humans to real Badari. The girls don’t have enough Badari in them to handle someone like me and now we’ve got human trash in the packs thanks to those women. Thanks to Raeblin. You going to make something of it? Try to deny it?”

“I’m going to make you regret you got out of bed today,” Brent said, “Unless you apologize to the Daughters. Maybe thewomen didn’t suffer in the same labs you did, but they had their share of pain. They’re as much Badari as you are.”

“But not you.” The South Seas soldier shoved Brent.

He managed not to stagger and a red fury was creeping into his brain but he locked it down as the other man flashed his huge talons. Immediately Brent’s knife was in his hand and he was calculating the best way to humble and embarrass his opponent. He’d sparred a few times in friendly fashion with Aydarr’s men and he knew how to slide in and leave his mark without getting cut to shreds. Sure he’d lose if this progressed to full on battle but by then he figured cooler heads would prevail and his point would have been made.

Camron was at his six and the next moment Yonn came to his side, glaring at the South Seas soldier, talons out.

Yonn? What the seven hells?

Yonn was a Generation 11 cub, alpha-born and probably destined to be as powerful as Aydarr one day but for now he was a kid and although Brent appreciated the support, now his task also included protecting the boy from harm in the melee to come. Jadrian, another senior soldier, stepped up to flank Yonn. This was getting serious.

“What in the seven hells are you idiots doing?” Mateer arrived, voice booming. “The fucking humans are getting an eyeful. Stand down, all of you.”

Enforcers like Mateer never set foot in the commissary, so Brent figured one of the Badari had telepathed him. Power flowed from the huge warrior in a wave.

Not lowering his knife, Brent shook his head. “Not until this piece of trash apologizes for what he said about the Daughters and about Raeblin.”

Now Ivokk, the senior enforcer from the South Seas pack had arrived to stand with Mateer. Taking in the situation with a glance, he said to his man, “You’re in the wrong, Balkor, in somany ways I can’t even count them right now. Do as the man says and while you’re at it, ask the Great Mother to forgive you too.”

Balkor sheathed his talons, drew himself up and said, “Meant no harm. Sorry if it came across as disrespect.”

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