Page 19 of Badari Medic

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Page 19 of Badari Medic

“Life is too short,” Raeblin said out loud now, in the privacy of her rooms. “We shouldn’t waste any time or we may never have each other as mates.” But the decision was Brent’s to make and she had her pride. She wasn’t going to beg. She checked her handheld again although the device would have chimed if there had been a new message. Tossing it aside with a curse, she decided to take a shower and try to calm her emotions.

Next dayshe was on the job at the hospital, hurrying around a corner to get to her next patient when she slammed into someone going the other direction and nearly fell, except for the quick reflexes of the man she’d collided with.


Her heart sped up and she took a deep breath of his scent as he picked up the medkit she’d dropped and handed it to her. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I got orders to led Dr. Garrison and Healer Timtur do their worst to me today,” he said with a rueful grin. “They wanted to check the status on the transfusion, make sure the Badari cells have taken over. I’d hate for Aydarr to have to kick me out of the pack if I reverted to human.”

“He wouldn’t do that,” she said before she realized he was teasing her. “I do know the medical team here follows up on all the transfusion recipients. And are you—is the transfusion—" Raeblin stumbled to a halt, not sure what she wanted to ask.

“I’m fine,” he said. “Better than fine in fact. Been working out on the obstacle courses, set a personal best record time. You gave me a lot of new capability to work with, sweetheart.”

“It must be strange to be in his pack now,” she said. “I’m sorry—I didn’t expect that to happen.”

He touched her arm gently and the skin to skin contact made her shiver. “Hey, it’s all good. I’m alive, thanks to you. All this other stuff is gravy and the hassles aren’t that big. I’ll deal. You’ve got big circles under your eyes and you’re pale—why are you back to work so soon? Are you okay? Are you having side effects from giving me blood?”

The caring and concern on his face and his questions about her wellbeing nearly brought her to her knees. Raeblin ran her hand through her hair and couldn’t meet his eyes. “I uh I’m not sleeping well.”

Brent drew her out of the hall into an empty exam room and took her into his arms. “More of those nightmares?”

She nodded, embarrassed, hiding her face against him. “I’m tough—I’m a Badari. I shouldn’t be having these flashbacks and problems.”

One finger under her chin, he tilted her face up and stared into her eyes. “You’re no different than any of the rest of us. You went through a major trauma, several of them in fact, and ittakes a while for the mind to deal with all of it. You talk to your Alpha? Or the healers?”

Raeblin shook her head. “I did the mandatory debrief and Keshara and I talked about what happened to some extent but not the nightmares.”

“Sweetheart, even the strongest soldiers get PTSD. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“You don’t,” she said.

He took a deep breath. “Yeah, I do. I’ve seen and done a lot of bad shit over the years, but the worst thing I’ve ever gone through was lying there while those three Khagrish bastards were getting ready to put their hands on you. I get flashbacks, nightmares where I’m not fast enough to?—”

Shocked, she kissed him. “But you were fast enough, you did save me. I’m fine, thanks to you. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

Brent gathered her even more closely against his body and kissed her. The caress became intense, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths with passion, his arousal pressing against her stomach through their clothes, and Raeblin was tempted to lock the door and draw him to the empty bed to soothe the ache at her core and in her heart. The sound of heavy footsteps passing by in the hall recalled her to her senses and they broke apart.

“I’d better go,” she said, flustered and frustrated. “I’m on duty and I have a patient waiting.”

“I missed you,” he said. Catching her by the wrist, he added, “You get any more nightmares, you can call me. I’ll come any time of the day or night.”

“To the Daughters’ residence?” she said with open surprise.

“Anywhere you need me to be.” His voice was firm.

Raeblin tried to capture a mental picture of how he looked in the moment, so concerned about her and so handsome. “I’ll go out first,” she said, moving to the door. “Wait a few minutes andthen you can go, okay? I’d hate for anyone to report me for being unprofessional. Dr. Garrison runs a tight ship here.”

“Whatever you need from me,” he repeated.

She fled, wanting to feel encouraged by the encounter and his words and actions, but nice as the interaction had been, he was obviously a long way from wanting to be claimed as a mate.

Reluctantly she taggedalong to the social event with her sisters. True the Supreme Alpha mandated all Badari had to attend a certain number of these to help with creating a cohesive community in the valley, but she knew he’d have been fine if she’d stayed in her room this time. Everyone was well aware she’d been on a rough mission. That fact alone was a big motivator in getting herself out the door and to the grassy square near the human residence caves. She didn’t want people pitying her or thinking her less than any other soldier or Badari. Although the humans were probably unaware of her mate issues, for sure all the Badari had the knowledge and her pride wouldn’t let her hide.

Even if Brent was here with a human woman.

Palinna had said he’d refused the woman’s specific invitation which didn’t mean he wouldn’t meet her here or flirt with other humans.

Raeblin braced herself and her inner beast for the strong possibility their hearts would get shredded tonight. She didn’t think Brent would intentionally hurt her but what better way for a man to show he wasn’t interested in being a mate than to openly pay attention to other women in her presence?And when the ordeal is over, then we’ll go home and hideshe promised her predator.

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