Page 1 of The Virgin and the Mob Boss
Chapter One
Where do I come up with these ideas? This one is truly terrible and may be the worst so far. I guess it will be if I die. I didn’t think I would make it off my family's estate, so I can’t die now!
I envision my best friend, Nolia, standing over my casket saying, “I told you so.” Then leaning down to whisper if she can have my Kindle as a reminder of me. I’m not sure if I want her to remember me through all the dirty books I’ve got on there, but at least they’ll get read.
Closing my eyes tighter against the pitch black, I try to slow my breathing. Having a panic attack or worse wouldn't be ideal. It could lead to Nolia finding my unconscious body, which isn’t terrible. I’d sleep through it, but Nolia would never let me hear the end of it.
When I feel the vehicle finally stop, I almost cry with relief. A few seconds later, I hear the trunk open, and Nolia pulls back the carpeted cover she used to conceal me. I look up at her, and I swear she’s an angel. Probably because she's partially illuminated by a streetlight that casts a shadow around her. We both know she's no angel.
“You okay?” she asks.
I blink a few times trying to get my eyes to adjust. “Inhaler.”
Nolia reaches into her pocket and hands it over. “Huff that thing and get your ass out of there before someone drives by.
I take her offered hand to help me out, and she slams the trunk closed. She rushes to the driver’s seat while I climb into the back and lie down. I use my inhaler and instantly feel better.
“I can’t believe we made it out,” I whisper.
“I do it every day," Nolia jokes from the front seat, but she turns everything into a joke. It doesn’t matter if she’s happy, scared, or about to burst into tears, she finds a way to break the tension. Those jokes have saved me from more than a few pity parties I tried to throw myself.
Yes, Nolia gets to come and go because she’s trusted. Her father has worked for my family for years but not in the same way most of them do. Nolia’s father is in charge of the landscaping on the grounds of the estate. A few years ago, Nolia started working with him. She has a green thumb, and it shows in how beautiful her gardens are.
The spaces her dad created are my sanctuary, where I always read. The grounds are the best place to get away from the house, and it’s where we met. It didn’t take long for us to become fast friends, although we do try to hide our friendship. My father has a knack for using things against me to get his way. I still worry she might be the first person they go to when they realize I’m not home. But hopefully, since we made it past the gate, no one will think it was her. All vehicles are given a quick search before they leave the grounds.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Nolia tries again to deter me. “You could always just run.”
“He’d find me.” My father always did. I haven’t tried to run away in a few years because I learned early on that it was useless. He found me every single time and dragged me back home.
“I don’t know, Pru.” I can hear the trepidation in her voice, and I hate that I had to get her involved this time.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” As soon as I ask the question, I regret it.
“Uh, he kills you.”
“He won’t,” I say, but I don’t know if that’s true. Either way it would be better than having to marry Eduardo. A chill runs through me as I think about that fate.
“I’m telling you, Pru, Vitaly is no joke. If anyone could take on your father?—"
“And that’s the point. He’s the only one I know who could take him on.”
I’ve never met Vitaly, but I know of him. Over the years, I heard my father and his men talk about him, and I googled him once. I was shocked to see he was younger than my father. I thought for sure Vitaly was older from how my father spoke. When he said his name, there was a trace of fear. I used to think my father wasn’t scared of anything. Until Vitaly.
When I saw pictures of Vitaly, I couldn’t believe it. He was the handsomest man I had ever laid eyes on. Combined with the knowledge that my father harbored a slight fear of him, a small crush blossomed within me. I couldn’t help it. It’s silly and naïve, which is what Nolia always tells me. She says that I’m in the dark about a lot of things but know too much about others.
I guess if everyone fears Vitaly, then he’s no knight in shining armor. He’s not going to welcome me with open arms. In fact, he could end up using me. I’m not sure what value I am to my father, but he’s set on marrying me to Eduardo.
“Okay,” Nolia sighs from the front seat, and I feel the car roll to a stop.
Slowly, I sit up and peek out the window. I’d ask where we are, but it’s not like I would really know if she told me. Usually when I’d come to the city, it was with a driver and a bodyguard.
“Where am I going?” I ask, and Nolia points to a building with two valets lingering outside.
It takes me a second, but I realize it’s a restaurant. A fancy one at that. I’m in sneakers, yoga pants, and a black hoodie. I was prepared to hide and sneak around, not meet a dress code.
“He’s in there. His table is always in the back corner.”