Page 17 of The Virgin and the Mob Boss
But what if my mom was like me? What if she hoped that the husband that was chosen for her could grow to love her? She could have wanted love so badly that she talked herself into loving my father.
That’s not what I want.
“I guess.” I shrug. “I suppose it's good they don't bring mistresses home.”
That means I'm likely the only woman who's been in Vitaly’s bed. As pleased as I am that he agreed to marry me, it’s still not sitting right. I want to be excited, but doubt still lingers.
“Let me introduce you to some of the wives,” Gianna says as she takes my elbow. “I’ll let you know who to watch out for and who are good ones.”
“I’d like that.” I force a smile, wanting to be polite. I don’t want to think about what might be happening thirty yards from me in the other room.
I let Gianna lead me into the salon, where all the women are drinking and snacking on desserts. Seeing all the ladies together and laughing makes me miss Nolia. I wonder what she is up to and what might have happened when they realized I was missing. It’s possible my father didn’t know until tonight. I can go several days without seeing him, so no one might have noticed I was gone.
He seemed unbothered when he entered the restaurant, and then when he recognized me, his expression changed to shock. I glance beyond the salon to the other room, wondering again what might be happening. I still have a fear that my father will find a way to get me back. It's a familiar sensation that makes me want to run.
Doing my best to relax, I speak to a few of the women in the room. Gianna gets called over to another group, and when I’m alone, I look for a way out. This is my chance. I’ve been plotting my escape since I met Vitaly, and this is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for.
The inner battle wages war inside of me, but I move toward the door. I step out into the hallway and no one tries to stop me. Instead of walking to the front of the restaurant, I make my way towards the back. A few people glance my way when I enter the kitchen, but no one says anything.
When I spot an office, I slip inside and shut the door behind me. On the desk sits a phone, and I rush over and grab it. It takes me a second to remember Nolia’s phone number, but I finally get it right. It rings once before the door flies open, and I let out a scream.
Vitaly is breathing heavily like he’s run a mile.
He looks so angry…and his hands are covered in blood.
Chapter Twelve
“Put the fucking phone down,” I say, and she immediately does it.
She slams the phone into the receiver and then backs against the wall. Her eyes dart to my hands and then back to my face like she’s trying to reconcile what’s going on and what I’m going to do to her.
“Did you think you could run from me?”
“I-I wasn’t.”
I shake my head as I stalk toward her. “Don’t lie to me, little one. Now is not the time.”
“What did you expect me to do?” She swallows hard as I step into her space. “You said you were going to ruin me and send me back to my father. But instead you cut out his tongue? How do I know you won’t do the same to me?”
“Because you’re mine now.” Reaching up, I place my hand on her throat, and I’m aware that I’m getting blood on her. I shouldn’t touch her right now, but I thought she was going to get away from me. The possibility of losing her has sent me into a spiral. “Tell me, little one. Are you truly upset that I punished your father? Or are you scared that I might be the one person to give you everything you want?”
“Vitaly,” she whispers as I bring my lips to her ear.
“That man treated you like cattle, waiting to sell you to the highest bidder. He would have given you to beggars on the streets if it meant advancing his position.” I kiss up and down her neck before I drag my lips along her jaw. “Do you know what I did today when you were busy trying on dresses?”
“No.” She shakes her head, and then I look into her eyes.
“I was making deals with every other boss in that room. All so I could claim you.” Her brows scrunch together in confusion. “Your father is a piece of shit, but he has allies. I had to give his loyal men a reason to be on my side.”
“I don’t understand.”
“When you walked into this restaurant and asked to marry me, I knew I had to come up with a plan. I couldn’t agree and then have one of my guards let it slip that I overstepped another boss. If I let his daughter come in here and make demands, it would have ended badly for both of us.” I shake my head. “That’s now how things are done.”
“Like it matters,” she huffs. “You all have mistresses on the side anyway. None of you are faithful. Who cares who you marry?”
“Mistress?” I make a tsking, and I see the flash of anger in her eyes. “The moment I put my ring on your finger, my life became yours. My vow is that I will never betray you or your trust or our marriage.” I release her neck and then get down on my knees in front of her. “I’m yours, and that means I will never belong to anyone else, little one.”