Page 20 of The Virgin and the Mob Boss
“You!” Nolia shouts and points a finger at me. “You let my friend go right now or so help me...”
“You’ll what?” I ask, waiting for her to finish her threat. “Keep shouting?”
Pru makes the most adorable little growl and then pokes my chest. “Let me talk to my friend.”
I glance down at my fiancée. “I’ll give you a few moments alone, but one of my guards will be watching you.”
“Fine, but I’m not going to run away.”
“Nevertheless,” I tell her and then release my hold.
She gives me a quick kiss before she bolts over to Nolia. They whisper to one another as I turn to Luca. “Escort them into the lounge. Keep an eye on them. I’ll be there in a moment.”
“Of course,” Luca says and is already walking in their direction.
I address the room and wave for the guard nearby to let in the band. “Sorry for the interruption. Please enjoy the rest of your evening. There’s dessert in the salon as the ladies can attest, and the back tables are open for gambling. Or you could go ahead and give me your wallets now.”
I go around the table and shake hands with everyone. Renzo’s seat remained empty after the incident earlier. I’m sure he will consider payback for his embarrassment tonight, but it would be foolish on his part. Although he’s stupid enough to try it even against the organization's wishes.
The only thing that matters now is keeping Pru safe. As long as she’s protected, then I can handle anything her father wants to throw at me.
After I’ve said goodbye to everyone, I go over to Gianna. She makes me promise she can come over tomorrow to talk to Pru about wedding details. It’s fine with me; the sooner the better, in my opinion.
“Oh, and by the way,” Gianna says and she lowers her voice. “That friend of hers might be good to keep close.”
“She works in the gardens at Renzo’s house,” I say. “I’m sure she might have some useful information, but it’s probably nothing Pru doesn’t already know.”
I’ve toyed with the idea of asking Pru if she thought her friend would work for me. More than anything, I’d need her to go back to the Benecci house and get information. It would be helpful to know if he plans to move against me. At the very least, I want to talk to Nolia. I didn’t expect her to show up here tonight or for this opportunity to be presented so quickly.
“I think Luca would be more than happy to guard her,” Gianna says with a wink before she takes a seat at the table and goes back to her conversation with one of the wives. Every now and again, Gianna likes reminding me that she’s my best source of information.
I walk to the back of the restaurant where the lounge is located. As I approach the door, I see it’s partly open, and Luca is inside. He’s watching Pru and Nolia, who are whispering to one another on the couch. When I touch the door, Luca turns, and I notice there’s something different in the way he’s standing.
I’m good at reading people, and he’s tense, maybe more alert than usual, which is odd. “Is everything all right?” I ask him, and the women stop whispering. Before Luca can answer me, Pru gets up from the couch.
“We need to bring Nolia with us. She’s not safe to go back to work or be on her own.”
“Does Renzo know that she was the one that dropped you off?” I ask Pru, and she nods.
“He doesn’t know for sure,” Nolia disagrees. “I think you’re the only one that actually saw the two of us together. He may suspect something, but he doesn’t know for certain.”
“Hmm,” I say, thinking it over. “If we bring you home with us, then he will know you’ve chosen our side.”
“Vitaly, we don’t have a choice. She’s like a sister to me,” Pru pleads, and although I want to give her this, I know that having information on Renzo will keep her safe. That’s my top priority.
“I can’t let my father stay there alone,” Nolia tells me as she stands up and joins Pru. “I’ve told you this. He won’t leave, and if they find out I helped you escape, they’ll punish him to get to me. It’s better that I go back and pretend that nothing is wrong.”
“What about everyone that saw you here tonight?” Pru asks.
“No one there will talk,” I say with certainty. “But she’s right, Pru. They’ll use her father to get to her.”
“And if she goes back and they use her to get to me?” Pru’s cheeks flush with anger, and I hate how much it turns me on.
“Then I will eliminate the threat,” I say simply, and she rolls her eyes.
“You can’t just walk in there and kill everyone to solve a problem,” she tells me.