Page 4 of The Virgin and the Mob Boss
I’m right in front of her, and this close, I can see the dusting of freckles across her nose. Her eyes are wide and her bottom lip trembles as she tilts her head all the way back to look up at me. This close I can see how much smaller she is, and I love towering over her.
“I take you home, make you my prisoner, and use you as collateral. I could get your father to give me whatever the fuck I wanted without having to marry his precious daughter.” I reach out and grab her chin before she has a chance to back away. My voice is low as I whisper in Italian so only she can hear me. “And I’ll enjoy ruining you before I send you back to that pussy Eduardo.”
Her gasp excites me. “Please, let me go,” she pleads, and the words are shaky.
“You should know better than to come into the lion's den looking for mercy.” I tilt my head to the side as I smile. “Coming here was a mistake.”
“Please,” she says again, and the word goes straight to my cock.
“Tell me, little one.” I rub my thumb over her bottom lip. “Will you beg this pretty when I’ve got you on your knees?”
“Enough, Vitaly,” Gianna says from somewhere behind me.
I was in a trance and somehow forgot that we weren’t alone. I release Pru’s chin and take a step back. As much as I shouldn’t touch her, I’m wild with the need to do it again.
“Get the car,” I tell my bodyguard, and he goes to the front of the restaurant.
“Okay, you’ve had your fun. Let’s get her a ride home.” Gianna moves in front of me to block my view of Pru.
“She’s coming with me.” I step around Gianna and grab Pru by her upper arm. Two of my guards fall in step on either side of me as we go to the front of the restaurant.
“Vitaly, wait,” Gianna calls out, but I ignore her.
“You were right, it was a mistake to come here,” Pru pleads. “Let me go and we can pretend none of this happened.” The idea of releasing her pisses me off.
My bodyguard is waiting for me at the curb with the door open. I haul Pru into the back of it and then look into her ice-blue eyes.
“Forget this ever happened?” I shake my head. “Oh, little one. It’s much too late for that.”
Chapter Three
I’ve really messed up. Nolia was so right. I had no idea what I was getting into with Vitaly.
His intense, dark eyes stay locked with mine as I press myself in the corner of the car. I’m trying to create as much space between us as possible, but it’s not easy with how big he is. I knew he was a big man, but when he stood up, I quickly realized how big he was.
The way he looks at me is unsettling. I always thought my father had scary eyes because they were devoid of emotion. Vitaly is the complete opposite of that because his are full of fire. They blaze with a heat that is so real I can almost reach out and touch it.
“Please?” I try again, needing to get out of here.
This man is destined to crush me. Or, as he stated, use me and send me back. He wants me broken like the very fate I was trying to avoid.
“Stop asking,” he snaps.
I can feel the tears prickle at the corner of my eyes. I’m so stupid. Why did I think he would be my savior? I let this whole fantasy build up in my mind. Nolia was right again. I am naïve.
Vitaly looks over to one of his guards standing by the open door. He says something to him, and I know I don’t have time to think about what I’m doing. In a split-second decision, I grab the door handle and pull it open.
“Pru!” Vitaly shouts.
Someone grabs at the back of my hoodie, but I manage to break free. When I’m out of the car, I slam the door behind me for good measure. The next thing I know, I’m running into the street to make my escape without paying attention. All I can think to do is run, which I'm not that great at. Nolia always teases that I have two left feet.
Screeching tires make me come to a paralyzing halt as I let out a scream. The vehicle that almost hit me is only a couple of inches away. The man inside the car shouts at me and lays on the horn. While he’s letting out a string of curses, I'm lifted off my feet.
“No!” I shout as Vitaly tosses me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. I’m a mere sack of potatoes even though I’m fighting against him.