Page 23 of Toxic Truth
He pulled in a breath and grinned.
She did, too, then cupped his face to bring his mouth down to hers, the wait for his lips and tongue far too long. I like you so damn much. I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. With her defenses destroyed and her heart open, she gave herself fully to him.
Having Kenzie’s tight,hot cunt sheltering his cock and her tongue filling his mouth was paradise Lucas hadn’t believed possible. One he’d honor. No way would he rush this despite his dick already feeling bruised and abused, well past needing relief. His balls were as bad, tightened to the point they hurt.
Get used to it.
He owed her far more than a simple fuck. Only an act of love would do for such a remarkable woman…astonishing moments for her—and him—to savor.
Pumping slowly, he suckled her tongue deeper, loving her clean breath and flavor, a hint of chocolate remaining. He dispatched it quickly, wanting nothing except the woman she was.
A bright, funny, bossy, and giving person he hadn’t believed existed before tonight. One he feared he’d never find again once she left.
Despair gripped him when it shouldn’t. He’d never been the romantic type, not even during middle school when his hormones kicked in worse than if he’d mainlined steroids. Moping over a particular girl hadn’t been his thing. If any didn’t want him, he moved on and pitied the guys who couldn’t let go and suffered.
Getting close enough to Kenzie, physically, didn’t seem possible. Despite his numerous tries and the scant distance between them—barely enough to allow a full breath—it was still too much.
He thrust harder and pumped faster.
She gripped his biceps, not to push him back but to pull him nearer.
That’s my baby.
Wait. What?
She wasn’t his. Couldn’t be. She had a life and career outside these mountains. He didn’t want city life ever, except when he had to endure it during an assignment or when he was on a date.
They hadn’t come close to doing that. Hell, they’d just met. What they’d learned about each other thus far amounted to less than zip.
He felt as if he’d known her forever. She made him that comfortable. Even when she ignored his suggestions so she could run things.
What’s happening to me? Uncertain, he battled her tongue, intent on winning, and finally pushed his inside her mouth.
She squeezed her cunt hard and fast around his cock.
Pleasure shot to his eyes then down to his ankles, leaving him breathless and weak. Shit. Extra stimulation wasn’t what he needed. Getting her to stop unlikely.
Maybe that was why he craved her to the extent he did. She was his equal in every way, except for his strength.
Tempering his, he nevertheless pumped more forcefully, quicker, too, and then rubbed her clit.
She bucked, her moans muffled by his tongue. Better still, she forgot to squeeze his dick.
Now I have you. There wasn’t a chance in hell she’d orchestrate their lovemaking.
Alternating between slow and fast, he coordinated his thrusts into her pussy and his strokes on her nub.
New moans and a grunt rushed from her. She writhed and dug her nails into his arms.
Flaying him to bone wouldn’t keep him from doing this. At this point, nothing would except her telling him to stop.
She didn’t, and he kept at it, giving her his best.
Squeals and whimpers escaped her, her cunt pulsing around his cock, signaling her release.
Thank god. He preferred dragging this out until morning, but couldn’t, knowing his limits.
Despite gasping around his tongue, she managed to squeeze his cock again, harder and quicker than earlier.