Page 9 of Toxic Truth
“He won’t. But thanks for worrying about him.”
“Always. He’s a good boy. Aren’t you, Caesar?”
To Lucas’s surprise, she leaned forward, pressed her cheek to Caesar’s mane, and stroked the long hairs. “You’re quite the handsome stud, aren’t you?”
He tried hard to sound serious. “Uh, he’s a gelding.”
“Oh no.” She lightly smacked Lucas’s thigh. “Why’d you do that to him?”
For obvious reasons. “I couldn’t have him running off to every mare in heat. Have you ever tried to control a stallion that has one thing on its mind?”
“No need to paint a picture.” She straightened and turned her face to his, their mouths inches apart. “I trust you’ve made up for what he’s lost?”
Rain dripped over her plump bottom lip, inviting him to lick off each bead. At least, until she slugged him, which was her right. He took a deep breath and blew it out. “What?”
“You love him, don’t you?”
“More than you can imagine. Bullet, too. If anyone tried to kill them… I’d die to protect both.”
Dread filled her eyes. “You shouldn’t be helping me. I don’t want you or your fur babies getting hurt.”
Fur what? “Believe me, they won’t. Caesar would bolt, Bullet would attack, and I’d fire my weapons. You do recall me telling you I was a sniper, right?”
She curled her upper lip. “I get that you had to do what was necessary in the service, but you’re out now. I don’t want you murdering anyone on my behalf.”
Before this was over, she might think differently. “If it’s self-defense, it’s not murder. Your safety comes first.”
“Our safety.” She squeezed his wrist. “I won’t have it any other way.”
“You really have no idea how this works, do you?”
Rain ran into her eye. She lifted her glasses and wiped it away. “I know how I am, and I’m not going to be different because I’m in danger. We both matter. Arguing your points won’t change how I feel.”
Fuck, you’re something. Brave, obstinate, and foolish came to mind. She must have been a handful at the lab where she worked. Good for you. His admiration for her increased a thousandfold, which made liking her too easy. Others he’d protected had worried about themselves to the exclusion of everyone else, even loved ones at times. While their ass was in danger, they couldn’t consider anyone else.
During her earlier meltdown, he’d believed she was like them. Not even close. She’d rightfully worried about his intentions. Hell, he’d come out of nowhere, carried a rifle, and was a stranger. Worse, a man. Some guys, when alone with a woman out here, would have easily taken advantage and blessed their good luck. “I never argue when I have no chance of winning.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
“Afraid not.” He wheeled Caesar in a new direction. “I’m not crazy, which means I’d never put myself in harm’s way for the hell of it. I will protect you though, whether you want me to or not, no matter what. It’s what I fucking do.”
“I don’t care if that’s what—”
“This isn’t up for debate. I can’t change your mind or stop what you believe, and it’s impossible for you to do either with me. Let’s leave it at that and get through this as best we can, all right?”
“No, it’s not.” She released his hand.
He missed her softness and heat instantly.
“If it comes down to my survival or yours, I’ll let them take me.” She lowered her face. “It’s only right. This isn’t your battle.”
Frustration tensed his shoulders. If he could have bellowed without drawing attention to them, he would have. “You can’t sacrifice yourself for me. You don’t fucking know me.”
“So, what? Do you know the people you put your life on the line for? Is each a friend or relative?”
He tugged his hood farther down his forehead. “This is different for me. It’s my job.”
“This is my belief. Same difference. We shouldn’t talk any longer.” She turned away from him.