Page 23 of Come Fill Me
A rush of heat prickled his skin. His mind raced for an answer. He could lie and make things easy on himself, or he could tell her the truth she deserved to know. Not much of a choice, really. He knew firsthand the sorrow of losing family, having learned that hard lesson when he was only thirteen and his father had died in battle with Carreon’s clan. At fifteen, he’d lost his mother to the same fate. As a man, he understood how the bond of blood and shared experience anchored one to this world and made them kind, willing to risk all for someone they loved.
“No,” he said. “He’s not with my people.”
Shock then anger crossed her features. She shoved his arm from her and turned to face him as best she could. “Then where is he?”
“I don’t know.”
“What?” Her shout rang through the van’s narrow interior. “You said he was safe. You said—”
“I told you what my visions showed me. I never saw your father, only you and Carreon. He…” Zeke paused as images flashed in his mind, snatches of what was to come. Carreon’s earring reflecting the light, sending a prism of color to his cheek. His predatory stare, no different from a wildcat hunting his prey. Liz’s mouth forming words Zeke couldn’t hear. Her moving toward Carreon rather than away. Carreon’s hand stroking her hair then reaching for her throat.
Zeke blinked rapidly, trying to erase the memories of his vision. He whispered,“I saw you die.”
A small moan escaped her.
He took her hand. Liz snatched it back. “You didn’t see my father? Could Carreon have killed him first? Was I fighting him? Is that what it was about?”
Zeke struggled with what to tell her and finally decided on the truth. “In my vision, you didn’t look angry. You seemed terrified, as though he’d surprised you.”
“Were we at his stronghold?” She grabbed his forearm, demanding answers. “Did you see anything that you recognized when you were there tonight?”
How in the hell was he supposed to answer that? He’d been near death when Carreon’s men had brought him inside, his mind and soul trying to reconnect with Gabrielle. Once healed, he’d only been concerned with the gunfire and trying to get the fuck out of there.
“Please,” she said, digging her nails into his skin. “You have to tell me.”
Zeke thought back, trying to force details to surface. He recalled Carreon’s earring glinting with more light as he turned, a tear clinging to one of Liz’s lashes and falling to her cheek, then—
“What?” she asked.
“I saw yours and Carreon’s faces and a dim view of what was around you. Maybe a bookcase and a fireplace. I don’t know.”
“You’re saying you can’t bring the vision back?”
“Not the way you want. They arise from nowhere then disappear like a dream when you wake up. Just bits of what I’ve seen remain.”
“You said we were by a bookcase and a fireplace. Were the colors light, dark? Was what you saw tall, short?”
He shook his head, helpless to answer. “I don’t know.”
“Damn you, you’re lying.”
“Why would I about that?”
“How the hell should I know?” She brought back her hand. “Maybe it’s your nature. You lied to me about my father.”
Zeke grabbed her arm and kept her from turning from him. “Listen to me. Your father’s safe from Carreon. I’ve never seen him in jeopardy from that piece of shit. My vision showed Carreon with you. You’re the one who’s in danger from him and only him.”
Liz regarded his hand on her. “But not from you? Never you?”
He released her arm. “Whatever I say, you’re not likely to believe it, are you, Liz? Tell me, do you really believe I intend to harm you?”
Her outrage hung on for a moment then evaporated beneath a mixture of frustration and embarrassment, proving she didn’t fear him. Pushing her hair back, she fooled with it as Zeke waited for her next accusation or maybe an apology. He almost smiled at the thought.
She asked, “Did your visions show Carreon or his men harming Jacob tonight?”
Caught off guard, Zeke couldn’t stop the flood of pain coursing through him. He swallowed then shook his head.
“Are you kidding?” She looked dumbfounded. “What good is your gift if it didn’t show you that?”