Page 36 of Come Fill Me
A cry of frustration tore from Carreon’s throat. Trembling with rage, he stepped back, fighting to control himself before he murdered the man. In time, Munez would wake. Then he’ddo whatever Carreon demanded, that was, if he wanted his daughter rescued from Zeke’s clan.
Zeke saw Liz’s desire. Her acceptance of what this night would bring was in her heightened color, parted lips, and blurred expression.
Just the beginning. Zeke intended to do more than simply gratify her lust. He wanted to reach the depths of Liz’s mind, going beyond it to the core of her being. A place Carreon hadn’t touched. One Zeke sensed no man had.
He would and wasn’t about to wonder why it was so important to him. Nor would he dwell on the fact that until now, he’d simply enjoyed women, pairing with Gabrielle’s mother only because she carried his child. It wasn’t that he hadn’t respected or liked her. He had. However, love—at least the version of it that brought a man to his knees, giving him a reason for living—had never been in the equation. Zeke had reserved the intensity of those feelings for his daughter, his parents, Jacob.
His brother sat behind Liz on the bed, holding her wrists to her belly in one hand so her breasts were still bared, accessible to a man’s touch. With his legs, he’d separated hers, keeping them apart, presenting her vulnerable sex to Zeke.
A moment ago, she’d whimpered at Jacob suckling her throat. Although Zeke relished the sound, he wanted to heighten this experience for Liz, and so he’d told Jacob to keep her quiet by filling her mouth.
His baby brother hadn’t needed additional instruction. He slipped his tongue between her lips. Liz’s moans turned to muffled gurgles as Jacob’s kiss grew indecent, drawing her attention away from what Zeke aimed to do.
Moving between her legs, he brushed her delicate curls,watching her buttocks tightening in response. Jacob must have felt Liz’s reaction—he drew his calves back, forcing her thighs to open as much as they could, letting Liz know her body was no longer hers. In this room during the coming hours, it belonged to the Neekoma brothers.
The soft swell of her belly wiggled prettily. Her skin was rosy with carnal need, her vaginal lips pouty and slick, prepared to satisfy a male’s appetite.
Taking what he wanted, giving Liz what he knew she desired, Zeke worked three of his fingers into her cunt.
The world seemed to pause. If heaven existed, Zeke figured this had to be it. He shivered at the wet, tight hold of her body, its astounding heat. She moaned around Jacob’s tongue. Zeke’s brother acknowledged her pleasure by cupping Liz’s breast and squeezing her tender flesh while dragging his thumb over her nipple.
Her panting accelerated, growing noisier.
Zeke wouldn’t be satisfied until the sounds she made were out of control, matching his passion. Leaning down, he inhaled deeply. She smelled sweet from her perfume, musky and shameless from him having already used her. He licked the top of her slit.
She gasped.
Jacob pressed his arms and legs against her, keeping Liz imprisoned.
For me. Only me.
The thought happened without prompting. Again, Zeke had no intention of mulling over it. He lapped her repeatedly, tasting the mild saltiness of her natural lubrication and the remnants of his come. She tightened her sheath around his fingers, coaxing them deeper. She lifted her hips as well as she could to bring her clit closer to his mouth.
With conscious intent, Zeke ignored her nub, licking herfolds instead. He pulled at her brown curls with his teeth, playing with her.
Jacob added to her torment, running his hand over her breasts to her belly then back to her nipples, his kiss growing savage, insatiable.
Liz’s chest pumped. Her toes curled. She whimpered and moaned.
Still not enough.
She’d shown Zeke her power and now he had to let her know his. To bring her pleasure in a way she’d never experienced…to prove his gratitude. She’d healed his brother. She’d saved him. She was a good woman, her heart kind, her motives straightforward, needing her father to be safe.
However, she wanted something more…to lie with him, her enemy.
Zeke had no doubt of the unspoken attraction that continued to draw them together. He’d lived it at Carreon’s mansion when he’d been deep within her then on the way here as he held Liz close. Moments he wouldn’t have traded for the promise of safety…the feelings were too precious. Not the wisest choice for him to consider, but there it was. Since Gabrielle’s death, he’d been so lost. So fucking alone. There had been many women to fill his nights, females who would have done anything he asked, desiring him as much as Kele did Jacob.
Zeke had enjoyed their pliant mouths, ripe bodies, heated channels. He’d treated them with kindness but never passion like this. It burned within him for a woman he shouldn’t desire but couldn’t seem to resist. Didn’t want to.
With the tip of his tongue, he touched her clit at last, delighting in its flavor, rigidity, and the small hood above it.
Liz grunted. She wiggled her body as best she could, her agitation telling him she had to have more.
Zeke wasn’t about to deny her or himself. He fastenedhis mouth on her cunt, suckling and licking her nub while his fingers stretched her sheath, preparing it for his cock. Before dawn arrived, she’d know it better than she could have imagined. He’d make Liz forget her people, everything that had happened before this night. When he was finished with her, she wouldn’t want to go back.
He couldn’t let her.
His gut twisted, snatching his breath at the decision he’d already made. The only one he could. If she returned, Carreon would use her gift to heal his lieutenants and return them to battle so they could annihilate Zeke’s people. How could he allow that? How could he live with the knowledge of Carreon mounting Liz at his leisure, taking everything from her with the empty promise that her obedience would buy her father’s safety? Not forever but for a little while. Then he’d kill her just as Zeke’s visions had shown.