Page 41 of Come Fill Me
“No.” Jacob sounded more alert than his sleepy features should have allowed. “It’s my turn now. That’s what Liz said when you took her first, remember?”
Before she or Zeke could answer, his brother left the bed and offered her his hand.
Zeke frowned. “What are you doing?”
“Helping the lady to her feet,” he said, doing just that.
“Wait,” she said, glancing back at Zeke when Jacob led her away from him. “Where are we going?” Her attention shot to the room’s closed door, her nudity.
“Shower,” he said then nuzzled her neck. “Sound good?”
Zeke noticed the color rising in her cheeks, her features growing slack with arousal.
“Okay,” she murmured.
Her breathlessness was all the encouragement Jacob needed. He slipped his arm around her waist, the ends of his hair swinging above his butt as he directed her to the bath.
The bed frame rattled with Zeke’s hasty departure, hisirritation mounting as he followed them. In the center of the room, Liz pulled away from Jacob so she could turn a slow circle, her lips parting at what she saw.
In here, the limestone walls glowed with an inner light that matched the gentle illumination from the lamps in the bedroom. Liz stepped closer to examine the phenomenon, stopping as the glow turned mirrorlike, showing her reflection. Her lips were puffy from his and Jacob’s ardent kisses. Her hair wonderfully tousled.
Smoothing it down, she glanced to the left. Within that wall was the shower made of the same alloy used in the tunnel. There was no glass door or showerhead, just the metal-like enclosure in a semicircular shape.
“Where’s the—” She stopped as Jacob pressed the control panel, turning on the water.
It misted within the enclosure, not one drop spilling out to touch the polished stone floor.
“Whoa.” Liz padded to the edge of it. Just before her fingers reached the mist, she snatched back her hand and retreated several steps.
“Go on,” Jacob coaxed. “It’s just water; it won’t hurt you.”
The way her breasts and ass kept jiggling was really killing Zeke. His cock continued to stiffen, already harder and longer than his brother’s. Jacob paid no heed, no doubt confident that Liz’s earlier pledge made her his.
“How’s this possible?” she asked, turning her hand in the mist. Water rolled down her fingers as it would from a regular showerhead. “How can the walls glow then turn into a mirror?”
“Dunno,” Jacob said.
Zeke stepped closer to her. “Our clan’s ancestors built it. Remember me telling you that?”
“Right.” She eased her arm deeper into the shower then glanced up at the music suddenly pounding through the room.Bad Romanceto be exact. “Lady Gaga?” she asked Jacob.
He seemed put off by her question. “I like her sound.”
“Jacob’s still young,” Zeke explained, moving toward Liz, using his size to back her into the shower. “Kids like him enjoy that sort of stuff.”
“I’m fucking thirty,” Jacob growled.
Liz didn’t acknowledge his advanced age or annoyance. Her attention was riveted to Zeke, just the way he preferred it. He moved closer. She retreated. Pearls of water dripped from her lashes and beaded on her hair. Her shoulders and ass hit the wall. She flinched, pressing her palms to it.
No way was Zeke going to waste his time touching anything but her. He demanded soft female flesh against every part of him. With his hands on either side of Liz’s face, he drove his fingers through her damp mane, using it to keep her still as he lowered his mouth to hers.
She tasted of the warm water misting around them. Her breath poured out in a silky purr, the tip of her tongue meeting his. With startling speed, she filled his mouth first.
Zeke’s knees sagged. However, that hardly meant he was going to let her run this show. He’d command. She’d obey. With his length pressed to hers, he ground his cock into her pussy and suckled her tongue, pulling it deeper into his mouth.
She pushed to her toes in what could have been surprise or excitement then sagged back down, yielding to whatever he wanted. His willing slave…his woman, just as he’d already decided.
Zeke deepened his kiss but didn’t lose control as he might have with another woman, one he lusted after but didn’t really care about. Instead, he forced himself to be gentle, rubbing his body against hers, moaning with contentment as her kiss nourished him. His tenderness achieved the effect he wanted. Liz ran her hands over his back then down his ass, pulling himinto her, telling him she didn’t want to let go.