Page 48 of Come Fill Me
He dug his broken nails more deeply into Carreon’s upper arm and growled, “You’re going to rot in hell.”
“Not before you do.” He clawed Munez’s hand, freeing himself.
The doctor smiled at Carreon staggering back, his previous expression of defeat replaced by renewed defiance.
A bead of perspiration ran down Carreon’s cheek and fell from his jaw, staining his shirt. With all the will he owned, he relaxed his hands, fighting the temptation to beat Munez to death with his fists. “Heal them now,” he ordered, “the way they should be, or you’ll die and Liz will be mine to do with as I please. I won’t make her captivity as pleasant as yours has been. I’ll torture her in every way possible until she does whatever I say without question or pause.”
Munez’s face darkened. He pulled back his lips, showing his teeth as an animal would when it plans to attack.
“Take one step toward me and you’ll be dead before your next,” Carreon advised.
The man continued to stare, loathing evident in his refined features. He gripped the edge of the bench, using it to push to his feet.
Carreon resisted the urge to move back and take shelter behind one of his men.
Munez advanced, deliberately reckless, not appearing to care what happened.
Carreon’s lieutenants turned to him, waiting for his order to fire, their expressions saying they were fearful of making the choice themselves.
“Heal them,” Carreon growled at Munez. “Make him,” he ordered his men.
The one nearest Munez grabbed the doctor’s arm and pulled him toward the other bench then forced him to put his hand on Anthony’s shoulder.
“No, no, no,” Carreon complained, moving closer. “He has to touch his head to heal his brain.”
Holstering his gun, the lieutenant grabbed Munez’s hands and pushed them down to Anthony’s skull.
A crackling noise emanated from the doctor’s palms. The sound drowned out the birds’ cries and the hiss of the breeze. Anthony stirred, his eyes widening, his vacant gaze clearing as though his thought processes were picking up.
“Anthony,” Carreon said, “look at me.”Prove you’re back.
The young man blinked slowly, an obvious effort for him. His brows drew together as he continued to grow more alert.
“Anthony,” Carreon repeated. “Can you hear me?”
The man’s face froze in an expression of confusion that turned to quick terror.
“What’s happening?” Carreon shouted at Munez. “What the fuck are you doing?”
His hands remained on Anthony’s head, held there by Carreon’s lieutenant. “Healing him as you’ve forced me to do.”
“Liar. He’s afraid.”
“Of the pain,” the doctor muttered. “The process can be agonizing. You know that.”
Carreon did. With each jolt of Liz’s power, his blood had burned like acid as it flowed more surely through his veins and arteries. However, he didn’t remember reacting as Anthony was now. He’d been near death one moment and healthy the next, taking Liz in his arms, using her as he desired, as though he’d never been injured.
“Your power’s too strong for him,” Carreon said to Munez then spoke to the man holding him. “Let the doctor go.”
He released Munez and stepped away.
The doctor continued to lay his palms on Anthony’s head.
“I said stop,” Carreon snapped, punching Munez’s hands, forcing him back. “Anthony.” He leaned down, regarding him. “Are you all right? What are you feeling?”
Anthony attempted to answer but no words came out. No sounds at all. His face flushed as he tried harder to speak, hislips pursing then pulling back in a grimace when he failed. Tears dripped from his lashes. Unmistakable terror flickered in his eyes.