Page 63 of Come Fill Me
“No.” She rubbed her right eye. “I was burning incense, and the smoke started to bother me. Maybe I’m allergic to that scent.” Before he could question her further, she asked, “Have you had lunch yet? It’s just about over. The women are cleaningup the dining area.”
He checked his watch. “My shift’s up in a few minutes. I’ll go when Paul arrives.”
“Go now.” She took the assault rifle.
Ike stared at it in her hands. “What are you doing?”
“Pretending to keep watch like you are.” She forced a smile. “We both know Zeke’s being overly cautious. Who could get through that?” She gestured to the enormous door. “Go on and eat now. I’ll stay here for you until Paul shows up.”
He scratched his neck. “Uh, I don’t know.”
“You don’t think I can handle this?” She lifted the rifle in challenge. “You don’t think I paid attention when Zeke trained us to use it? You don’t remember all the bull’s-eyes I hit, my scores better than most of the guys?”
“Oh, hey, I’m not thinking anything. You were awesome. But it’ll only be a few minutes.” He touched her arm and waited as though gauging her reaction.
Kele didn’t pull away as she would have in the past.
“We can both wait for Paul,” he said, “then we can have lunch together.”
“I’ve already eaten…but I’d like to have a late dinner with you. That’s why I’m here. We could eat at ten or so tonight if you can make it.”
“You bet I can.” His grin was even wider than before, until he glanced at the weapon. “You’re sure you’re okay with this?”
“Have you ever known me to offer something I didn’t want to give?”
“Well, no, but—” He stopped at the frown she was giving him. “Okay, then,” he said then stepped back and stopped. “By the way, if Zeke comes down here and tries to leave, don’t let him.”
“I won’t.” She made a face. “Why would he try to leave?” Liz was here. Liz was his freaking life. He’d allowed her to screw upeverything.
“Long story,” Ike said. “If he comes down here and tries to leave, call me.” He handed her his two-way radio. “Call everyone, got it?”
“You bet.”
“I’m looking forward to tonight,” he said.
She lied, “Me too.”
Ike walked backward, watching her, taking too long to reach the next hall and go down it out of sight.
Kele didn’t dare move. She listened for his footfalls that would warn her he was coming back to talk some more, to wait for Paul, to do what Zeke wanted after all. A minute passed and then another, with her counting the seconds.
The hall remained empty.
She went to the control panel, placing her palm on it. Clicking noises came from within the door. It slid open, revealing the tunnel and vehicles…the van Zeke had arrived in the other night. She stared at it, thinking of escape, of making the pain stop.
Halfway to the van, Kele pivoted and returned to the hall, leaving the assault rifle there. When Paul arrived, he’d probably think that Ike had abandoned his station early because it was stupid to guard a sealed area. If Paul made a big deal about it, Ike would simply tell him she’d abandoned the post. No doubt, they’d laugh about her wanting to keep watch, her boasting about what a good shot she was when she hadn’t even bothered to stay here.
By the time either of them guessed the truth of what she’d done, it’d be too late.
She closed the tunnel’s door. In the van, she glanced at the GPS, what it had recorded earlier.
Determination, along with a sense of peace, settled over Kele. She’d lived with uncertainty and unhappiness for too long.She couldn’t do it anymore. This time, she’d have what she needed.
At top speed, she drove the van down the tunnel to the outside.
Chapter Eleven
In the great room, Carreon turned away from the bank of windows. The waning sun cast long shadows on the burgundy leather sofas and chairs, its weakened rays bathing everything in a gauzy golden glow.