Page 67 of Come Fill Me
She’d do that in any event. Not that Carreon wanted to waste another moment debating the matter with her. Once his men were inside Zeke’s stronghold, she’d lead them to Liz. The moment one of them had Liz on the way back here, they’d take Neekoma’s entire clan down, including Kele and her beloved Jacob.
Alone in the stronghold’s massive pantry, Zeke grabbed a package of barbecue-flavored potato chips and lemon cookies, Liz’s favorite snacks. One of the many things he’d discovered about her since she’d been here.
He’d learned that she hated milk and could tolerate coffee, preferring water above everything else. When she was exhausted, she had a tendency to snore, which he wasn’t brave or crazy enough to tell her. Witnessing her constant worry over her father was bad enough. She’d asked what his specific plans were to rescue the man.
He’d lied, “Ike and Paul are working out the details now.When we have everything in place, I’ll let you know.”
There wasn’t a chance in hell that Zeke intended to tell her the truth about having to do it alone. She wouldn’t let him. She’d sacrifice herself first.
Troubled, he left the pantry and steeled himself for the walk across the equally large kitchen, where a dozen women worked. The domestic scene coupled with the scents of stew, corn, baked black beans, and other fare might have made the moment homey and welcoming if not for everyone’s reaction to him.
The females concentrated on their dicing, chopping, stirring as though he was invisible, while Ike and Aaron pretended to taste the chocolate pudding as they watched him.
Ignoring them, Zeke headed for Jacob’s room and Liz. Within seconds, he heard footfalls coming from behind. He stopped and turned.
Aaron’s arm bumped into Ike’s as both men halted.
Zeke frowned. “What are you doing here? Why isn’t one of you standing guard at the entrance?”
“Not my turn,” Ike said.
Aaron shrugged. “Mine either.”
Zeke sighed. “Is anyone watching?”
“Paul,” Ike said, “or maybe it’s Samuel’s turn now. Don’t worry, someone is there. Someone’s always there. No one can get past. No one.”
He sounded fucking certain of that. “What’s next?” Zeke asked. “You guys going to cuff me to my bed and barricade the door so I stay put?”
Ike’s complexion turned several shades darker with his blush. Aaron didn’t look any less embarrassed.
“Stop following me,” Zeke warned.
Aaron spoke first. “We don’t want anything happening to you.”
“It won’t.” He moved closer to them so no one wouldoverhear. “I’m not going to break into Carreon’s stronghold with guns blazing like I’m fucking Clint Eastwood or John Wayne, all right? I’ll find a reasonable way to get inside and then I’ll—”
“No you won’t,” Ike said. “We can’t let you leave. We’re not going to. Did you ever stop to think what would happen to this clan if you die, Zeke? Who’s going to lead us? Whose visions are as strong as yours? No one’s. We depend upon what you see to know what’s happening with Carreon’s men. You want to take that away? You want us to be even more vulnerable to them than we’ve been in the past?”
“Of course not,” he argued, “and you won’t be. I’m not planning to die, okay? Even if I’m injured, we have Liz to heal me.”
“Liz,” Aaron growled. “Is she all you can think of? She shouldn’t still be here. Let us take her back.”
“Absolutely fucking not. Don’t suggest it again.”
“Zeke, please,” Ike said. “It’s either her or your people.”
Bullshit. It didn’t have to be a choice between the two. He could have them both. He would, along with bringing her father here, giving Liz a future she’d never had. Giving himself one too. A chance to heal, to love. To be fucking normal for a change, no different from other couples who lived out their lives without all this crap.
“I won’t put anyone here at risk,” he promised. “I give you my word. Unless neither of you believes it or accepts it anymore.”
“It’s not that we think you’re lying,” Aaron countered. “We know you’re crazy in love. We’ve all been there, all right? Not with women from Carreon’s clan, but we have been there. You’re swearing to do stuff without knowing how you’re gonna pull it off. You’re sure as hell not thinking clearly.”
“Fine,” Zeke said. “You believe my only concern is Liz. If that’s true and I get killed and put everyone here at risk, thatwould include her too. Given how much I do love her, do you think I want to do that?”
Aaron frowned. “I—it’s not—I don’t—I didn’t—”
Ike cut into Aaron’s stammering. “Of course, we don’t.”