Page 23 of Love on the Run
I squirm tightening my thighs. The feeling is steady, the pressure so intense.
“Who was it?” His voice is like a whip. I can barely concentrate. My thoughts so tangled with his torture and how slippery and slick I’m getting.
“Marchellis? I knew I should have killed his bitch ass the moment he touched you that night at the gala, let alone trying to goad me afterwards,” he taunts, keeping the pressure steady and intense.
I shake my head. “No it wasn’t, A—Takeda-sensei. It was a long time ago in college, and he never put his mouth on me. I never lied to you. It was you. Only you.” Speaking of my one attempt to lose my virginity before I met him. The whole thing was a disaster of arms, elbows and a flaccid penis.
“He saw you naked.” He lessens the pressure only to rub his thumbs over my distended, aching nipples. His voice almost hollow, his touch relentless.
“He saw what is mine.” He worries the rock-hard tips. Over and over again. They are so sensitive now, I’m barely standing straight.
“That was before you. It didn’t mean anything. I’m yours now.” The words come out pleading. My body is begging, arching into his cruel, filthy touch and he’s barely touched me. I need to come so bad. We have never gone this long without one another except for the six weeks my body required after having Asa.
“You’re mine now?” He muses switching up again, his fingers clamping me in a vise. “Mine when you tried to leave?” The pressure increases. “Mine when you’ve denied me the chance to be a father again?” Cruelty in his words, his touch another thing entirely, almost gentle strokes slowly building, tugging, pulling. My pussy is clenching so hard it’s almost painful. “Mine when you kept your body away from me all these weeks?” It’s awhisper, so raw, I close my eyes against the hurt and anguished rage in his words.
“Do you want to come, Hana?”
A sob just as raw escapes me. I’m nodding begging, “Yes, please, sensei.”
The words are barely out my mouth when he twists hard making an orgasm tear though me like a blaze through dry grass.
My pussy spasms so hard my girl-come squirts out over both our legs. He pulls me to him pushing my breasts together growling, “Mine,” before covering both nipples with his mouth. To my dismay my orgasm goes on and on until I can do nothing but cling to him like a ragdoll.
I come back to myself, noticing I’m holding a being cut from diamond. So hard, so pristine, so cold, molded into immeasurable beauty — flawless. Yet, he stands before me seemingly unmoved by what he’s just done to me.
Slowly, I drop my arms pressing into the wall behind me. I’m staring at his chest. The rise and fall of the hard plains telling me he’s affected, though barely. Tilting my head, I look up into his obsidian gaze, almost flinching with what I see there, smug satisfaction. He knows he owns me. He’s reveling in it. I can’t stand his ass right now.
“On your knees.” It’s not a request nor a demand. It’s as if he’s saying,“This is where you belong from now on, so you might as well get comfortable.”
I barely have room to ease my body to the floor. “Can you step back some?” My body is already flush with his. The wall is at my back. The slick wood behind me, his hot body in front. Two unmovable objects with me shivering between.
Stepping back is his only response. His body is ripcord, tense, strong and seething. Every breath is one of lust and rage. He’ barely holding himself back. I keep thinking of the sheer will itmust take to keep his dragons at bay when all he really wants to do is unleash them in all their magnificent fury.
Inhaling the scent of my pleasure on his skin is like an aphrodisiac. My nipples are already budding again, the ache he so thoroughly assuaged mere moments ago is back. My knees crush into the soft rug.
Making room for me, he widens his stance, so I drop right between the cage of his thighs. His dick has risen, listing to the right, reaching far past his navel. It’s pearling, slick with precum sliding down it like a melted ice cream cone. His balls are pulled tight, shaved clean of hair, nestled like twin globes at the base. I can see the patch of flesh just beyond. He smells clean, like me and the salty tang of his come. My pussy squeezes so hard I have to bite my lip to keep from pulling him in my mouth and sucking him dry.
“Clean your mess.” He commands, his tone imperial broking no refusal.
I lick the drying droplets from his thighs, tasting my essence and the cleanliness of his skin. Up one thigh and down the other. Precum slips free from his head in steady intervals.
“Now, me.”
I catch a drop on my tongue just as it’s about to slip from his sac. I flick more of the salty deliciousness, lapping and sucking, watching them draw tight.
Sucking them gently into my mouth I roll them on my togue, allowing them to slip free before sucking them back in again. I lick them clean. Then dipping beneath I swirl my tongue on the patch of skin just shy of his ass.
“Fuuuuck,” he hisses standing so still and taunt I think he’s going to break. A hand grips my hair twisting and twisting it around his big hand. He holds me there a moment longer before easing me back.
“It seems I have a few more things to explore with my little cumslut. The rest,” he demands.
I slide my mouth up and down the shaft of his dick, tasting every come drenched ridge, sucking and giving him little bites, he loves. Reaching the top I engulf the entire head in my mouth.
This motherfucker shoves his dick down my throat making me gag. Involuntarily my eyes roll back from the familiar sensation. What that feeling does to by body— making it ready itself in anticipation, my muscles tightening, readying for him.
“That’s it. That’s what I want to hear. Hands behind your back. Choke on that motherfucker.” He’s already gripping the sides my head, fucking down my throat like he means it.
Arching my head into his downward drive, I do as he demands relaxing my throat, opening as wide as I can, letting him use me. Pressing the soft pad between my thumb and forefinger I ease my gag reflex allowing him to go as far as he can.