Page 26 of Love on the Run
He flexes, hitting my spot making me come, his hand catches my skeet and rubs it fast like a hummingbird’s wing across my clit sending me. I’m helpless to do anything to do but watch.
“Fuck” he shouts, and I feel the hot jets of his come shooting into me.
Still inside me, he wraps my legs around his waist, pressing a kiss against my wet forehead, taking me over to the bed.
“Asa, come here sweet boy.” I smile at my son as he toddles toward me. I had an area made for him to play near his rooms, complete with all his favorite toys from home.
“Mommy?” he asks, after giving me a slobbering kiss. I smile at him nodding, “All better.”
Minutes later, Flower is escorted over to the area. She is breathtaking in the loose pink casual jogger she’s wearing though it nearly drowns her small curvy frame. Another change from our previous life. She never let me see her really in casual attire. If I happened upon her while working out, she would get flustered and hurry to change as if there was a dressing standard she thought I expected of her as my wife.
I never remarked upon it, but I see now she was doing it because she thought it pleased me. So, her wearing something so outside the norm is a fuck you to me. I file that for later. Right now, I will let her enjoy our son.
“Look who’s here,” I whisper to Asa, nodding in his mother’s direction.
She stands stock still for a moment seeming to catalog the changes only a mother would notice that took place in the last couple weeks as she recovered.
She hurries over as he scrambles down and runs over to her.
“Careful,” she coos rushing to catch him just in time to keep him from falling.
“Oh, Asa, Asa,” she sobs into his curly hair. She inhales his scent deep into lungs, her chest expanding as she hugs him closer.
I don’t allow myself to look away. No, I take it in. Reminding myself that she did this. She did this to our son and to me. We are out in the middle of the ocean because I can’t trust her not to disappear with my child.
“Mommy, sad?” Pain sears my heart hearing my son ask that question as he cups her face.
“No.” she hurries, wiping the tears away before pasting a bright smile on her face. “Want to play?”
Her gaze darts to me to see if it’s okay. Other than returning her look, I remain impassive. That’s the reason we’re here and she knows it.
Dragging her gaze away, she returns to Asa, whispering conspiratorially, “Want to go on a bear hunt?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Asa cheers with glee. I watch as they immediately transform themselves into hunters looking for a bear swimming a river, climbing trees, eventually ending at the bear’s cave and falling out in giggles as they make it safely back home after traversing those terrains in reverse.
Soon, they recover going on to more games, songs, playing with the jumbo blocks he loves building towers and all as he is, only to push them down again.
She’s reading him a story when the nanny, Ms. Satoh, the flowery scent she wears wafts in the breeze making Flower peek up from her task.
She smiles warmly at the woman before looking down at droopy eyed, Asa. She rocks him a little allowing him to fully fall asleep before kissing his curls.
Satoh-chan as we call her because she’s Asa’s primary care giver while Flower recovers, comes over and gently takes him from Flower’s arms. She gives her a bow in acknowledgement.
She looks soforlorn when Asa’s taken for his nap. We both remain silent until Satoh-chan disappears through the doors leading to Asa’s room.
“You will keep your emotions in check around my son. You will not emotionally exhort me by upsetting him,” I tell her coldly. My words are like a whiplash.
Shock and what I can only assume is hurt and maybe shame splash across her face like a Mehata abstract painting.
She dips her head, the brown of her cheek bones tinge with an under-glow of of peach.
“Gomen nasai” she whispers the apology, looking down, plucking at the fabric of her joggers.
“What is this you’re wearing?” I sneer, watching as she shrugs one shoulder.