Page 17 of His Last Chase
“You have nothing to be sorry for, sweet boy. They’re your friends and they’re just looking out for you.” But damn if that wasn’t the most intimidating meet and greet I’d ever been through. Some of these men were large and quite frightening.
“Come on.” Chase took my hand and led me upstairs. The house erupted in the sound of music and numerous conversations though when I glanced back several eyes glared up at me.
“Your friends really do not care for me,” I told Chase as soon as his bedroom door shut.
“Not sure what their issues are. They’re treating me like some sort of baby when if they wanted to get technical about it I’m the oldest one here by a couple of months.” Chase was clearly frustrated with their actions and being the cause of tension between him and his friends wasn’t my intention.
“Sweetheart,” I pulled him into my arms again. Once just wasn’t enough and now that I’d held him I was addicted. “The way I see it we have two options. One of which would be unbearable for me, but I’ll go along with whatever you choose to do.”
“What’s that?”
“We either keep going as we are, and they will eventually see I’m worthy of having you, or...” Theorwas the part that had my stomach in knots.
“We end it now and go back to merely being acquaintances before our hearts are involved.” Said he whose heart was perched atop the diving board ready to jump into the deep end.
“Fuck that.”
Normally I’d scold a boy for such offensive language, but this relationship defied all my Daddy rules, so I chose to ignore it. As I had many times before. Maybe later down the line if a discussion must be had we could tackle it then. For now, it was minimal compared to what we’d already faced today.
“Fuck which one, sweet boy?”
Our eyes wandered to one another’s lips then back up then they met again. I wasn’t sure who made the first move but as our lips came together it was nothing short of magical. I took my time tasting this sweet boy who was new to this intimacy. When his tongue grazed my lips, I drew it inside and tangled it with mine.
Chase gasped but didn’t pull back as I guided him through this dance for which he quickly caught on. This boy was special on so many levelsand so many more I’d yet to unlock and looked forward to each one.
“Wow.” The dazed look on Chase’s face said it all as we drew apart, though he hadn’t tried to pull out of my arms. “That was…”
“Nothing short of amazing.” I stole another quick kiss then reluctantly took the high road. This boy was far too tempting, and I had to get a grip on…things. “Why don’t you show me your collection.”
He took my hand and led me to the shelves.
“This is the Spiderman section.” He waved his hand through the air before his beloved hero.
“I take it he’s a favorite since you have so many?” Two entire bookcases were dedicated to the webbed avenger.
He bit his bottom lip and shook his head. This was the side of Chase I knew how to handle. The rockstar, well I’d forever be a work in progress with that one. But little Chase I already adored and couldn’t wait to draw him from his hiding place.
“Things I always wanted as a kid but never got.” Chase had a sad, faraway look in his eyes, but I chose not to pry. Maybe later as we got to know one another better he’d open more of himself to me.
“This is a fun collection, but why aren’t you playing with it?”
“David asked me the same thing the other day, so I opened this one.” He ran overto his bed and pulled a figurine from under the pillow, and I caught a glimpse of a stuffie that he left behind.
“That is very cool.” I bent the arms and legs and checked him out. “But who was his friend?”
Mentally, Chase warred with himself as he stared at the pillow then finally relented and pulled the stuffie free.
“This is Miles.”
“Hello, Miles, I’m Casey. It’s nice to meet you.” I ruffled the bear between the ears. “Where did you get this handsome bear from?”
“Online toy shop.”
He’d bought the bear for himself. My heart broke for this lonely boy.
“Sweet boy, I have a surprise for you in the car.”