Page 30 of His Last Chase
Normally, I was super excited to hit the road but this time it felt…different.
“It’s kinda crazy. Used to be all four of us plus our guards on one bus. Granted, the bunks were nice but small and with Ely as our chef we’re well fed so no complaints there. Eventually the cities become a blur, a new one each night. I learned the hard way to ask before we get onstage, so I don’t mess that up. It’s long days of travel, that’s for sure.”
“What kind of stuff do you do on the bus? Games?” Casey was genuinely excited to learn these things. For some when they’d ask it came across as nosey, but not with him.
“Mostly. Easton had all the buses outfitted with the latest X-box and PlayStation systems and games. We have wi-fi for whatever we need. David is anAnimal Crossinggeek so he’s usually on his Switch. I spend a lot of time writing songs and journaling. It’s been my go-to for like, forever.” The early days of Embrace were exciting. We’d be so hyped up we’d hardly sleep before a show. Now we practically pass out as soon as our heads hit the pillow.
“Why do I detect a hint of uncertainty?” Casey was very perceptive. I should’ve expected that from a man as highly educated as he was.
“I don’t know,” I wiped my mouth and tossed my napkin on the empty plate. “I guess because all but me have paired up and I know I keep beating that excuse to death, but being the odd man out really sucks. I’m glad there are no more after parties, though. Those were way too uncomfortable. Growing up in Vegas, we’d lost way too many friends to drugs so the four of us never got into that or drinking. Occasionally we’ll have a beer but getting drunk isn’t our thing. Guess it’ll be me and my notebook for the next few months.”
“Am I no longer invited?”
Shit, I forgot Casey wanted to go with me. “I guess I figured you just said that to make me feel better when I asked the other day.”
“Chase, you’ll quickly learn three things about me. I’m honest, loyal to a fault at times, and I never say anything I don’t mean. Like I said, my summer class is over mid-July so depending on where you are I’ll fly out and meet you. If I’m still invited?”
“Yes, please. God, yes. You have no idea how badly I want you there.” Was that too much too fast? Based upon his grin it was likely safe to assume it wasn’t. I grabbed my phone and shot a text off to Easton and Jeremiah to let them know to add one more.
“I take it you’re letting the powers that be know?” Damn his killer smile. I’d do anything to keep it on his face and aimed at me.
“Yes, our management team so you don’t have issues getting into the arenas or backstage.” Fucking hell, how this one thing completely changed my mood was totally insane.
“Then it’s settled. Curling up in a tight bunk with you sounds like heaven to me.”
This man was quickly breaking down all my barriers.
Not that I’d given anyone before Casey a chance…
“Me, too.” And I meant it. I’d only be alone temporarily. How awesome was that? I had my own person.
Casey stood and gathered the dishes. “Who’s up for ice cream with sprinkles?”
I nearly clapped and bounced in my seat. “Me!” Time to be a grown up. “I, um…”Ugh, just spit it out.“I brought an overnight bag?”
“Was that a question?” Leave it to the English professor to call me out on improper grammar.
“No. More of an assumption on my behalf and before you say it, I know what it means to assume. But I was, um, I was hoping to sleepover tonight.” I wanted as much time as I could get with Casey before the tour started.
“My boy, I would love nothing more. Feel free to always come with a bag packed. I made an assumption of my own in the form of another surprise. One that I hope would end with you sleeping in my arms, but I had a backup plan in case that one fell through.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“There was a special visitor at our local library today. A children’s picture book author named Elizabeth Brandt. I purchased a couple of her books which she autographed to you, and I thought they’d make for nice bedtime stories for Daddy to read to you.”
There it was again. That word hung in the air, just out of reach. If I stretched a bit more…
“I’d love that. Thank you for thinking of me.” Casey put a lot of thought into this evening. Every plan and every move was made with me in mind.
Being with Casey was easy. There were no expectations for me to perform or put on a show. I didn’t have to worry about bills or schedules or what to eat. He took care of it all just like a…
David was right. I was a boy in need of a Daddy and Casey was the one for me. Just being around him I was more at ease and relaxed. Early in our relationship and he already got me like no one ever had. I did not have to decide anything, he had my best interests at heart.