Page 38 of His Last Chase
Far too soon I had to kiss my sweet boy goodbye, waving as he backed out of the garage. Our weekend together couldn’t come soon enough, and I had many preparations to tend to. I’d make it one my boy would never forget.
During the remainder of the week, I devised a menu of fun foods and picked up prezzies to spoilmy boy with. I was bound and determined to draw his little from its hiding place. By Friday I was exhausted but seeing Chase’s car in the driveway when I got home perked me right up.
I opened the garage and pulled in and parked, and Chase followed me in. I loved seeing both our cars parked side by side.
Chase hopped out and kissed me. “Well hello to you, too. That’s a fine greeting for Daddy.” He giggled, his little simmering just beneath the surface. “Come inside.”
He snagged his bag from the car and followed me inside.
“I emptied a couple of drawers for you and made room in the closet.” Chase came to a halt in the laundry room and stared at me. “Did I say something wrong?”
“I-I’m not sure. You really made space for me?”
Had I shocked the poor boy to the point of terror?
“Yes, is that okay?”
Chase shook his head. “Thank you for thinking of me.”
Off to a great start. Now, to slowly work in my other surprises.
“Make yourself at home and unpack. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” I gathered the bag I’d put together for him last night on the way to the kitchen and sat it on the table, then got to work on dinner. Chase came out a few minutes later.
His eyes lit up when he spotted the Spiderman backpack. “What’s that?”
“That’s for you, sweet boy. Go ahead, open it while I get dinner started.” I took a risk and went for a meal fit for littles. Dino nuggies, tots, applesauce. I’d see how well that was received. Even picked up a few dippy sauces. I wasn’t quite sure the age of Chase’s little since it had only popped out a couple of times, but this would be another piece to the puzzle. If he was a middle dinner may not go over well, but then again, it might. Either way I’d know when the timer went off.
He slid each item from the backpack. A new coloring book, a set of five cars, and a pair of adult-sized Spidey PJs.
“I always wanted these,” he held the sleep short set up. “Asked Santa for them each year. How did you know?”
“Lucky guess. I’m glad you like them and now you have a place to store your toys.”High-five, Daddy. Your instincts have remained sharp. “Would you like to color Daddy another picture while I fix dinner?”
“Yes. Where did you put the crayons?”
“If you go into the spare room you’ll see where I set your things.” I longed to use the wordsthey’re in your playroom, one day soon.Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, Casey. This one will take time and nurturing.
Both things I excelled at.
Chase came out a few minutes later. I watched as he placed his Spidey figure on the table as he had last time to watch him color then sat a familiar bear in the chair beside him.Lucky. He brought the bear I gave him.
Life was great with Chase in it.
He took the blue and red crayons and held them up to his Spidey figurine to try and match. “What do you think? Spidey?”
I’d have recorded him if he’d allow me. I swore this was the cutest thing I’d ever witnessed.
He’s almost there, Casey.
“This one? No. How about this one? Okay.” He took the color they’d decided upon and got to work.
“Daddy?” Chase asked. I turned to face him, but he was wrapped up in coloring his picture just right.
“Yes, sweet boy.”
“You always call me sweet boy, and I am. But I want a nickname just for me. Something special.”
“You do, do you?”