Page 45 of His Last Chase
“Cheers,” I tapped my bottle to his. “To relationships.”
“To falling in love.”
Fucking. Perfect.
“To falling in love.”
Chapter Ten
“Did you see your boy off this morning?” Richard asked over lunch. These meals had become a weekly deal since I started dating Chase. It washard to be mad if he was pressing for updates, though I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed seeing my friend.
“Yes, went by this morning before they got picked up. He’s sharing a bus with David and Jordan which makes me feel a bit better.” David was aware of his little side and I more than trusted him to treat Chase properly if it peeked out. Did I want him to replace me? Absolutely not, but given how much more at ease Chase had become, David was the best backup Daddy and the only one I trusted until I could get there. I had made sure Chase packed his Spidey backpack, toys, and his bears so he had as many creature comforts as possible.
“How’s it going? With Chase, that is.”
From anyone else that question wouldn’t have been met with a warm reception, but I knew Richard genuinely cared.
“Well, we exchanged I love yous and now they’re free flowing.” And I soaked them up like a sponge. I swear, every time Chase told me he loved me I heard angels sing. Coming from me that was saying something, but those words elevated me to an unfathomable level.
“That’s great. You’re meeting them on tour after your summer class is over I assume?”
“You assume correctly, my friend. He knows I’m coming but not when. David helped me set it up with their management team so I could surprise him. Let me ask you something.” I tossedmy napkin aside. “Do you ever see or hear from Chase’s dad, Johnny?”
“We see each other in passing and wave as we drive past. He still lives in the old house, alone. Never remarried and as far as I can tell has never so much as dated.”
“Never acknowledged his son, either, and it really hurt Chase. Do you feel it would be a bad move for me to have a chat with Johnny? I’m hoping they can repair the bond they once had.” I understood Johnny hurt, but hiding from a child who was also in pain was a cowardice move in my eyes.
“This won’t turn physical, will it?”
“Have you ever known me to throw more than words?” I possessed an uncanny knack, a gift if you would, for making those at fault feel about two inches high. But the conversation to be had with Johnny was neither the time nor the place for that. Two people were deeply hurt and the only way to make it stop or at least ease the pain would be for them to finally talk it out.
“True. Sorry, had to ask. I mean, if you think you can get through to him, I say go for it. But if at any time you feel his speaking to Chase would cause Chase further pain, abort the mission. If you catch my drift.” Richard side-eyed me.
“I caught it and there is no way in hell anyone will hurt Chase. Not on my watch.” I would move heaven and earth to assure that.
“Spoken like a man in love. I wish you both well, my friend.” Richard stood and patted my shoulder. “Let me know how it goes.”
The rest of the day was uneventful. Thankfully the Chase and Mr. Robinson nosey Nellies moved on to another celebrity sighting. I’d barely walked in the door when I got home when my phone rang and Chase’s handsome face filled the screen.
“My little songbird, it’s wonderful to see your smiling face.” He’d only been gone eight hours, and my heart already ached.
“Daddy! I wanted to show you our bus. Have you got a few minutes?”
“Always for the love of my life.” Chase grinned wide and I felt like I won the lottery. “Give me the grand tour.”
Chase flipped the camera around and began.
“This is the front glass that separates us from the drivers. Here is one of the TVs,” he pointed to a large screen mounted on the same divider with two loveseat style recliners below it. “Each bunk and the bedroom to the back have TVs as well. David and Jordan got that room, but I got a really big bunk with drawers under it this time. This is our new bus and it’s super comfy.” Ah, a peek at my excited little.
“Hey, Casey,” David said as he and Jordan waved as Chase passed them by.
“Hey, guys. Take good care of my,” shoot, almost said boy but I wasn’t sure how Chase would feel about that. “Man,” I quickly corrected.
“Don’t worry, Daddy, I’ll watch over your boy,” David winked. “I promise.”
Whew. “Thank you.”