Page 55 of His Last Chase
“A bit. Had a snack on the plane.”
“Not sure what’s on tap for tonight but I can promise our chefs never disappoint. I can’t believe you surprised me. I wanted to ask so bad when you were coming but was afraid of sounding needy.” A pouting Chase was an adorable thing to witness.
“My pouty boy, it was hard keeping it from you, but I wanted to surprise you.” I pressed my lips to his. With Chase each time was like the first and I could feel the pull we had all the way to my core. “Daddies, or at least this one, loves his boy. Needy or otherwise. Never hold back with me, Little Songbird.”
“’Kay, Daddy.” I swallowed his whispered words in another kiss.
“Dinner is served!” Ely announced. He sure knew how to command a crowd. One by one, the room of rowdy rockstars filed into line and not a toemoved otherwise. I had a feeling Ely had them very well trained. Hell, he may even send them to bed without dinner if they acted up.
“What’s so funny?” Chase asked.
“I just got a vision of an angry Ely sending one of you guys to bed with no dinner for acting up in line.”
“Trust me, he would do that,” Rhone chimed in, having overheard our conversation. “I for one don’t plan to piss him off.”
The guys around us laughed, though I truly believed what Rhone said. It was always the ones that appeared timid that truly were not. Funny how I got the opposite side of my boy when we were alone. Witnessing Chase, the performer, firsthand would be a paradigm shift for sure.
“These chicken enchiladas are amazing.” I had to pace myself for fear of overeating. The chicken was so tender it melted in my mouth and the sauce…wow. I wondered if he’d give me the recipe.
“Yes, we eat well for sure,” Chase said as he shoveled in another bite.
“Make sure you’re drinking enough water, Songbird.” I slid another bottle in front of him.
Chase leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, Daddy.”
“You two are sugary sweet. I think I feel a cavity coming on,” Seltzer teased. I’d already gathered he was the class clown.
Jason, however, clocked our every move which was interesting, and I wondered what his story was. He wasn’t angry, wasn’t making growly faces but more ones of interest and, possibly, desire? I hoped he didn’t have a crush on my little songbird. But when I glanced up, Sikes and Snipe shifted their gaze from him to me. Was I in trouble? The professor in me was in full analyzation mode. Was there a story here to be written?
Was there something here that I was missing?
Don’t veer off course, Casey. Time with your boy is limited so keep the squirrels in check.
Telling that to a researcher’s brain was the equivalent of denying a sugar freak their daily allowance.
Easton rose from his seat and the conversations came to a halt.
“Members of Chaotic and Embrace. I’d like to thank you for the successful launch on your biggest tour to date. I know it’s long and grueling, but you’ve managed to blow up social media and in a positive way. Fans are posting from every show, which we love, and I’m happy to announce you’re playing to a sold-out crowd tonight in Dallas!”
The guys all whooped and hollered.
“Many more shows to go before you hit Rocktoberfest, but I have the utmost faith in all of you that you’ll keep your demons in check and continue to put your best foot forward.” A warning for sure to whomever thought it wise to step out of line. “Andwith that being said, come Rocktoberfest you’ll each receive a nice bonus for your hard work.”
Now the masses came alive as the room erupted in shouts and cheers. Happy to have witnessed this, it only further assured me the boys had signed with the right management company.
“Now, it’s time to get cleaned up. Embrace will take the stage first tonight. Thank you, to both bands, for your flexibility and willingness to rotate opening and headlining for this tour. The fans have enjoyed it as well and it’s become a guessing game on social media as to which band will play first.” Easton smiled. “Masterson is truly blessed,” Diamond groaned, and Easton side-eyed him. “When you come up with a better word let me know. How about we are thankful to have you all on board.”
I sat back and watched as the guys got their game faces on. Chase changed into a very revealing tank top and paced while doing his vocal exercises. David and Seltzer stretched as did Rhone then he slid into a harness of sorts and caught my inquisitive gaze.
“Back brace. Really wish they’d had these when my dad was alive. He may still be with us today if they had.” Rhone kissed two fingers and tapped his heart. A silent shout out to his father, I guessed.
Four twenty-somethings who had been through so much during their short lives and yet they came out ahead. Made good choices and persevered andI was damn proud of them and felt lucky to have watched these boys grow into the fine men they’d become. Hopefully as their success skyrocketed, they’d remember their upbringings and where they came from and remain humbled as they were now. Talk about old souls, these guys truly were.
A knock came at the door and a man wearing a headset poked his head inside. “Embrace the Fear, please, follow me.”
We walked out into the hall where Easton, Diamond, and Jeremiah were, and we followed them to the backstage area. Chase, David, Seltzer, and Rhone huddled together.
“Hands in,” Chase directed, and they piled them on. “Let’s kick some Oklahoma ass!” They cheered and headed out onto the stage but not before my boy ran over and snagged a kiss. “Love you, Daddy.”