Page 38 of Ghoul Kisses
“Eric, I don’t want to feel this way. Okay?” Her words are filled with hurt.
“No matter how much I fuck you, it won’t take the pain away.”
She folds her arms across her chest, pushing up her cleavage and mumbles “Unbelievable” under her breath.
“Don’t be mad at me.” I hate disappointing her.
“Screw you!” She bellows and whacks me in the head with a pillow. I laugh; she’s cute when she’s mad. I grip her hips tight until she stops fighting me, then pull her onto my lap and rock her until she falls asleep.
I haven’t eaten in a few days; ghouls don’t require food every day. I grab a raw steak out of the fridge and eat at the breakfast nook. Spotting Odessa talking to a kitchen servant, anger grips me tight. I blame her for what happened to Sarah. She shouldn’t have taken Sarah out after dark. After devouring the food, I call Clayton. I released him from guarding the property since Sarah tried to escape; I didn’t want her to feel unsafe roaming outside. He picks up on the third ring.
“Hello,” Clayton says in his British accent.
“I need a favor,” I get right to the point.
“What is it?” I can hear loud music through the phone.
“I need a summoning potion so my mate can track me.”
“Who is dumb enough to mate with you?” Clayton asks.
“You have the potion or what?” I ask, annoyed.
“Yeah, but if she drinks it, she will be able to track you forever.”
He pauses, waiting for a response. I don’t care. I wouldn’t mind Sarah being with me for the rest of her life. I just care about her safety.
“Okay, another thing—I need the repel potion. The memories keep coming back.” I thrust my fingers through my hair. With Sarah dealing with Pete, I can’t let my bullshit divert my attention.
“All right, I’ll be there tonight for dinner. I would love to see Sarah again.”
“Don’t come in your wolf form. The last time you saw her, you scared her shitless.”
“No promises.” With that, he hangs up the phone.
Sarah treads in with her hair pulled in a messy knot. She has on knee high socks with ankle boots, a white dress shirt and black skirt with a white lab jacket on. She looks stunning. She glares at me as she grabs a banana off the counter. The servants made sure to stock human food in the fridge.
She peels the banana and begins to eat.
“Morning beautiful,” I say to her; she shoots me a death stare.
“You still mad at me for holding out to you?” I move up behind her and nudge my dick against her ass, taunting her. Sarah squirms as her face heats.
She shoots me another glare as she finishes the banana and leans over the counter. I hover over her, pinching her ass.
“Eric!” she yells.
“I see you’re talking to me,” I say. Sarah rolls her eyes, tosses the peel in the trash can, and rushes out the kitchen. My phone dings with a message from Jack.
Meet me outside, Need to talk to you.
Be there in ten.I respond.
Outside, Jack leans against the black SUV. He wears a warrior uniform, and his dreadlocks are pulled into a ponytail.
“Get in,” he says as he climbs into the driver’s seat. I jump in the passenger seat. He shifts gears and pulls out onto the road.
“I hacked into the security footage at the bar that Sarah was at,” Jack says.