Page 59 of Ghoul Kisses
“The doctors are working on her now.” Jacks pats me on my back.
“Where is Odessa?”
“She will be here in the next five minutes.”
I pace the waiting room as fear eats away at me. What if they don’t save Sarah in time? Odessa wraps her hand around my shoulder.
“Where is she? I need to heal her now.”
“They won’t let anyone see her,” I say with tears in my eyes.
A short female wearing a blue uniform walks into the waiting room.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Banks. Is Sarah Clemons’s family here?” she asks, pushing her glasses high on the bridge of her nose.
“Yes, we are her family,” I say.
“How are you related to Miss Clemons?”
“I’m her ma—boyfriend.”
“We need someone who is blood-related,” the doctor says.
“She doesn’t have any blood-related family,” Mac says. She peers at us and nods her head.
“She is in a coma.”
“What does that mean?” I ask.
“She is in a deep sleep,” the doctor answers.
“Sarah is a tough cookie. She had surgery to remove the bullet from her head, and she is stable.”
“When will she wake up?” Odessa asks.
“We don’t know. It’s up to Sarah.”
“Can we see her?” I blurt out.
“Of course,” the doctor answers, and Odessa tugs on my arms.
“Let me go see her first. I need to heal her,” Odessa whispers as she pushes past me and follows the doctor down the hallway. Thirty minutes later, she comes back.
“I don’t know if I saved her. Humans respond differently to my power, so we will have to play the waiting game.” Her voice is uneven.
I don’t respond. When I walk into the room, Sarah is hooked up to different machines, tubes in her nose, and she has a bandage wrapped around her head. I shove my hands in my pockets and exhale, looking at the love of my life. The room is cold and the medical machines hum.
My mind goes over the last few days; how we talked about getting matching tattoos. I miss Sarah’s laugh, the scent of her, the dimples in her cheeks, her drilling me with questions about everything, and I even miss her getting mad at me for trying to get her to try new stuff. I remember the first night we spent together when I made her jump off the cliff with me. I knew she was mine; I knew I wanted to bond with her. I just regret the fact I didn’t do it sooner. One minute we are together, and the next she is fighting for her life. I hope Odessa’s healing powers worked because I can’t live without Sarah.
For the last two weeks, I have been at the hospital, reading to Sarah and watching television shows with her. She hasn’t woken up from her coma, and time seems to pass slowly. I haven’t eaten, or been home since she’s been in the hospital. It doesn’t feel right going there when Sarah is here. I’ve never felt this much pain in my entire existence.
Nicholas replaces the wilting roses at her bedside with fresh colorful flowers. He pats me on the back and tells me that everything is going to be alright. Often, I question him when he says that because right now, I want to die. I feel like there is a big hole in my heart. David sits in the recliner in the corner flipping through the channels.
“A leech is hanging outside the hospital. She keeps asking about you and Sarah,” David says.
“Who is she?” he asks.