Page 42 of Love Defies Us
“Stay the fuck away from my daughter.Son.Or I’ll leak to the media that you pushed Mae down the stairs. I already talked to Mae. And you know, Mae is still mad about you bringing Sadie to her wedding, she’ll help fabricate the story. The choice is yours.”
She brushes off her shirt. I hate her fucking smile. She smiles at me as if she’s the Cheshire cat. I rub the back of my neck, grind my teeth.
This bitch has got me. She’s got me right where she wants me. I sit in the driver’s seat, not looking at her.
“You think you can fucking come here and threaten me. I’ll tell my father that you’re a conniving bitch.”
“Your father won’t believe you. He thinks that you have a motive for not liking me. I can manipulate him into doing whatever I want.”
I weigh in on her words. She’s got his balls so deep in her mouth that he can’t see how she is. If I don’t break things off with Sadie and she falsifies what happened with the miscarriage, that would ruin the band’s image and career. Looking like a baby killer is worse than a male celebrity beating on a woman. Most of our women are fans. They worship us as if we’re gods. I grip the steering wheel so tightly my palms hurt. I glance back at East and he nods at me and I shake my head.
“When do you want me to break up with her?” I ask, not even looking at the she-devil. Pain burns in my chest. I keep a straight face and I’m not about to let her see that she got to me.
“You have twenty-four hours.”
I watch as she gets into her Bentley and drives off. Easton walks towards me and leans on the side of my truck with his hands tucked into his pocket.
“Was that Patricia Bennett?” he asks.
I forgot how hot it is outside until I realize sweat coats my forehead. “Yeah.”
“What the fuck did she want?”
“For me to break up with Sadie.” I keep my facial expression stoic.
I haven’t told the band about the shitshow that’s been going on in my family.
“You need help with killing and burying a body, I’m your guy.”
I laugh at his statement. Knowing East, he’s as serious as a heart attack.
“I’m good.” I hit the start button on my truck. Then he nods and heads back to his car.
To break up with the love of my life is going to kill me. But I have to do what I have to do. In order to protect myself and the band. Five years from now, Sadie will move on. She’ll know me as her first love to break her heart and I’ll know her as the brave girl that stole my heart.
I’m yanking drawers open and dumping all my office stuff into a brown box. Last night, I told my dad and Axel that I want to take the VP position. I’m super excited to be working next to my brother. Maybe it will repair the damage that I caused to our friendship. I was a bitch for pushing him away, to take my anger and bitterness out on him. I hear a knock at the door and my eyes venture up to Felix. He leans in the doorway with his hands shoved in his pockets. He stares at me like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. And he frowns as if his puppy died.
“What’s wrong?” I put the box on the floor, stalk up to him. He studies every inch of my face, then the pad of his thumb rubs against my cheekbone. A chill slithers up my spine. I have a bad feeling that he’s about to deliver some awful news.
“We can’t be together.” His tone is flat as an old soda.
I laugh lightly and shake my head. “What?”
The look on his face tells me that he’s dead serious. My hands tremble and nausea floods through my body as bile burns the back of my throat.
“If you’re worried about neglecting me when you start your tour, I told you that we can work it out. That I understand that your job comes before me, I’m no—”
“It doesn’t have anything to do with that.” He exhales loudly. “You were just a warm hole I needed to park my dick in. You were a fantasy to me. You kept the end of your bargain and I kept mine.” His words are lifeless as a dead corpse and I look down at the carpet. The blood in my veins ceases to flow, and adrenaline suffocates me. Searing pain bubbles in my chest. I don’t know what to say. I’m lost for words. I hate myself for falling in love with him. For falling for a god. Mortals and gods don’t mix; it’s not an opinion, but a fact.
He reaches into his backpack and grabs a handful of diaries that he stole from me and places them in my brown box. His shoulders tense and his jaw tics and his facial expression is of a battered dog. What the hell is he so sad about? I’m the one that gave up my innocence to him. I’m the one that gave my all to him. I’m the one that gave up my mortality to be with him.
My skin melts my bones and my heart aches and thumps against my ribcage. Normally, I would fight for something I want. But I don’t say anything. I don’t have any fight in me. And fighting for a god is something I shouldn’t do. He belongs to the world, not me. That is one of the rules when it comes to dating a rock star god. Then he leans down and kisses my forehead, and I stand there frozen in time. And I swear I hear him say “I’m sorry” before he turns on his heel and heads to the elevator. My heart breaks in two and lands on the carpet as one tear slides down my cheek.
I open the door to my condo and Jasper sits on the couch with Anthony. Anthony has no shirt on, and his dreads hangs loosely over his shoulders. He’s thin and his skin is the color of chocolate. He waves at me and turns his head back to the TV. Unlike Stacey the airhead, Anthony is sweet and kind. I think Jasp should just dump Stacey and be with Anthony.