Page 43 of Ruthless God
Her insult doesn’t bother me. I want to get away from her before I do something like smash a bottle at her head. Savannah thinks because I avoid her, I’m scared of her. But I’m not. I try to avoid conflict as much as possible because I know how my anger can get.
“No wonder Snow stopped fucking you. Your personality is boring, and you stink of desperation,” I snap.
“I fucked him the last few days, that’s why you haven’t heard from him.”
The hell? How does she know I haven’t heard from him? She reads my face like a map, giggling at me.
“You didn’t know he’s in New York City, working with his father? My father and I were there. Snow rented a hotel for us, and he fucked me so good, I’m still sore.”
“Whatever, Savannah.” I finally move away from her and head over to the bar. Lilac and Winter follow me and sit on either side of me.
“I think Savannah is lying and jealous because you’re marrying Snow,” Lilac says, then she orders herself another beer.
“What a bitch. If you need help kicking her ass, let me know. I’ll help you,” Winter murmurs, resting her elbow on the bartop.
They continue to speak, but I tune them out.
Why would she lie?
I grab my phone from my pocket and swipe across.
I don’t have any of Snow’s friends’ numbers.
I tap the IG icon, and my newsfeed pops up. I need answers, and the only person who will give them to me is Keanu. Jameson seems like the type who would snitch on me to Snow, and Irvin and Snow hate each other. I type in Keanu’s name, and it pops up. There is a blue button that saysFollow Back. I had no idea he was following me. He has over a million followers and he’s only following fifty-three people. I shoot him a message. Hopefully, he’ll respond.
Me: Was Savannah with Snow in New York City?
KeanutheMG: Yes, her family had dinner with him and his father.
I glance at Savannah, and she gives me a mischievous look back. Why would she make this up? She knows I can ask Snow and he will be honest.
So why lie?
I shake my head. She’s not lying, she has to be telling the truth. I don’t like the fact that she’s gloating in my face about sleeping with my fiancé, and I shouldn’t be mad because Snow isn’t mine. He’s forcing me to have sex with him, and I enjoyit, and that’s all I am to him—a sex toy for him to sleep with anytime. He’s using my sex journal against me.
I don’t mean shit to Snow. So why the fuck do I care if he was with her?
If Savannah is going to be the side piece in our marriage, then I’m not going to be a wife waiting for him by the door. I’m better than that; I deserve better. So, I’m going to find a guy to fuck.
I search the bar and I spot a group of men sitting a few feet away. I spot a blond-haired man with gorgeous blue eyes, wearing an expensive suit. He looks at least ten years older than me.
“Oh, he’s yummy,” Winter says, following my line of sight.
I get up from the bar, dust off my blouse, and put on a fake smile.
Lilac cocks her eyebrow. “Where are you going?”
I shrug. “To get laid.”
“I don’t think that’s a go—”
I wave my hand, cutting Lilac off. “I’m not in a relationship with Snow. Our marriage is strictly business.”
Without another word, I leave my friends and squeeze between two guys, keeping my eyes glued to the blond man.
He looks me up and down, licking his lips. “What are you looking for, sweetheart?”
He’s older than I thought, pushing late thirties or early forties. He’s old enough to be my father. It’s one night, though, and I need the escape. I’ve never done a one-night stand, so I don’t know what to expect.