Page 53 of Ruthless God
“You can throw it in my face how you will fuck Savannah while we’re married, but if I even have a single thought about fucking any of your friends, it’s a problem? You’re a hypocrite.”
“That was different, and things have changed. I wasn’t planning on fucking her anyway while we’re married; I just said it to piss you off.” He piles food onto my plate. Slamming it in front of me, he glares at me. “Eat up.” He walks around the island, leans down, and whispers in my ear, “I know what you’re doing, and it’s working. You want me to gag you and tie you to the bed and have my way with you like before. You keep it up, and I’ll do far worse to you.”
I shrug, pick up my fork, and pop a piece of bacon in my mouth. “Sounds like empty promises.”
“I need to install a camera in your new house so I can jack off to you both,” Keanu says.
“You don’t value your life, do you?” Irvin asks.
“If I die, I’ll die happy,” Keanu shoots back.
“I found information on the guy who chased Lyrical off the road,” Jameson says then, changing the subject.
“Okay, so where is he?” I ask, placing my over-easy egg onto toast. Snow hasn’t forgotten how I love to eat my eggs. These are the little things I like about him. He remembers every detail about me and it causes my cheeks to flush.
“He’s locked up in the basement,” Keanu answers, before he pours himself a large glass of orange juice.
“I can’t wait to hear what he says about trying to kill me,” I state.
“It’s not a pretty sight. I fucked him up pretty bad. It’s some of my best work,” Keanu says so casually like it’s normal to hurt people.
Now I understand why Snow doesn’t want me around them.
“I still want to see him. I know what you guys do. I know of the killings and what you have to do to protect the club and to be so powerful.”
“You’re not going,” Snow growls. “If I catch you anywhere near the basement, Lyrical, you’re going to be punished for it, and you won’t like what I do to you.”
I crinkle my nose. “Why the fuck not? I’m the one who he ran off the road.”
“It’s too dangerous and I don’t want you to see what I do to people. What we do to people. I’m driving you back to the farmhouse.”
I bang my hand on the counter, not caring about the throbbing pain shooting up my fingers. “We’re supposed to be a team and work together to help solve Bailey’s death, and you’re not being a team member.”
He cups my face, stroking his fingers over my lips. “I care about your safety, and my job as your fiancé is to protect you at all costs. I don’t want the bastard being in the same room as you. He doesn’t deserve to inhale the same air as you. Do you know the fear I felt when you texted me asking if I was the one following you? I felt pure terror because I was worried about losing you. It damn near killed me. So, this is me protecting you. Once you see someone kill a person, you won’t be the same anymore. It alters your mind. This is me protecting you mentally.”
I want to say I don’t need his protection, but instead, I mutter, “I can protect myself, Snow.”
He doesn’t respond.
Without a word, I pout, storm upstairs to his bedroom, and slam the door shut behind me.
After I drive Lyrical home, I head straight to the basement of the mansion that I used to live at. When I head down the stairs, rage fills me up like an ocean.
This motherfucker is going to pay for trying to kill my fiancée.
I grab a bucket of ice-cold water, pouring it all over the bastard’s face. Keanu did a number on him. Half of his face is carved up, and he has two black eyes and fresh scars over his pale chest.
I want to know who sent him after Lyrical.
The guy in the hoodie who was chasing Lyrical, Samuel, has a rap sheet of felonies. Jameson did a background check on him, and it turns out he sells drugs to the students on campus.
He finally opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings, trying to see where he’s at. He glances at all four of us. Horror fills his pupils.
That’s right.
Be scared.