Page 27 of Alien Orc's Prize
He sighed. “That’s better. Your scent,” he clarified.
“Well, I did tell you that saying nice things to me would keep the scent thing under control,” I teased, feeling suddenly just a little shy. Special. He thought I was special.
“It’s just the truth,” he said, seeming mystified by my reaction. “And I barely want you around Althrop even with clothes on. That scent… I thought you were in danger. Or in pain.”
Dealing with annoying men who don’t know how to take no for an answerispainful, I wanted to tell him. But judging by his mood and earlier reaction to his cousin’s presence, that kind of comment was not going to help the situation. Althrop was annoying and pushy, but he hadn’t actually touched me or crossed a real line. I was uncomfortable with his nakedness as he kept bugging me, and him being naked wasn’t even considered weird or bad for Orhalla culture.
Well. Except when it came to Galbrath apparently.Put some clothes on!he’d snarled.
I hadn’t been able to watch my husband’s approach, because Althrop’s body had blocked my view. But I saw the vicious way Althrop got yanked backwards into the water. And when he was gone from my view, there was Galbrath standing in his place, huge and angry and startlingly beautiful, the brutal focus in his dark eyes bearing down on me like I was…
“What’s going on with your scent now?” Galbrath grumbled as he tugged his trousers off and tossed them aside. A hoarse edge crept into his voice, fraying the edges of his words. “It’s very distracting.”
“Distracting?” I echoed in disbelief. If he thought my scent was distracting, then the man had never seen his own dick. My eyes fell there and stayed, fused to the thick organ with the darkgreen, bulbous head and the bulbous… other thing. Seriously. What was that? It looked like someone had shoved an apple halfway down his cock and left it there. Beneath the shaft hung heavy balls, so dark green they were nearly black.
“Luna,” Galbrath growled. Before my eyes, his shaft jerked. “We’re not going to get to your swimming lesson if you keep staring at me and smelling like that.”
“Smelling like what?” I murmured. Oh, God. His cock jerked again. Thickening and lengthening as if I’d been touching it.
“Smelling like you want me to make a meal of that tasty cunt again.”
“What?!” That got me finally looking up at his face. “That’s certainly a crude way to put it!”
“I think you liked it. Your scent gave a great big throb,” Galbrath replied, taking a step towards me. Jesus Christ, was he smirking?! “I’m not poetic, Luna. My words aren’t fanciful or flowery. But I mean every single one of them.” He bent to speak against my ear, but instead a harsh groan escaped him, sounding like he hadn’t meant to let it out.
I inhaled unsteadily, rubbing my hands across the meaty bulges of his pectorals, completely at a loss as to when I’d even started touching him in the first place. I skimmed my fingertips across his nipples, toying with the piercing on the one side and enjoying the hiss he gave in response.
“Does this mean anything?” I asked, touching the cool bar and shivering at the contrast with the vibrant, virile heat of his skin.
“Yes,” he groaned. “We pierce one side when our father dies. We pierce the other when our first child is born.”
I paused to gaze up at his face.
“When did your father die?”
“Seventy-two very long days ago.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You said that before. About my mother’s friend.”
“I know. Human thing. Sorry.”
His mouth quirked in a grimace, but his eyes were warm.
“Stop saying sorry.”
“OK. Wait! I do have one more thing to say sorry for.”
Galbrath gave me an exasperated look, but I plunged on.
“I’m sorry I fell asleep last night! I swear I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t an, er, comment on how much I was enjoying things. Because I was.”
Galbrath lowered his head further and chuckled against my throat. An unexpected sound, dark as chocolate and heated like smoke. It made my pussy squeeze and my knees go embarrassingly weak.
“I know you were enjoying it. I could-”