Page 16 of Little Darling
I wasn’t sure why I didn’t fight harder. Maybe it was exhaustion, the weight of this nightmare wearing me down until I felt like I was in a hole. Maybe I wasn’t used to having someone care for me—even in this fucked-up way. I’d been alone my entire life, so abused and beaten down that this situation was no different. I was used to this reality.
Or maybe, somewhere deep inside, I wanted to see how far this would go, to give him just enough of what he craved, but never truly surrender. Who would be stronger then? Who would hold the power then?
Let him see what he could never have—not fully, not freely.
I ran the washcloth over my arms, slow and deliberate, my skin prickling, knowing that Lars was watching. He wanted me like no other. I would use this to my advantage. I could hear his heavy but controlled breathing, like he was waiting for something.
Waiting for more.
I let the water drip down my shoulders, the steam rising around me like a cloud. A shield that somehow protected me. I wasn’t doing this forhim. I was doing it forme.
Remember, this is a cage.
Because while he thought he had all the control, while he believedhewas the one watchingme, in the end, I’d be controlling him and his actions. His emotions.
I glanced at him then, just a tilt of my head and a look from under my lashes. God… he was desperate to have me.
Let him believe he was in control. Let him think he’d won.
Because I knew the truth.
In time, I’d be the captor, and he’d be my captive.
Dolly had finished bathing hours ago. I made sure she drank more water and ate more food, and then I gave her space—much-needed space I knew she craved right now. And although I wasn't in there with her, I stood right outside the bedroom door and just listened.
I wanted to hear her breathe. I wanted to feel her body heat seeping into my own because she was right in front of me. I wanted to smell her skin as I ran my tongue over her neck.
Fuck, I was hard, my cock throbbing, my balls drawn up.
I stood in front of her closed bedroom door for the fifth time since she closed it, and I reached down and grabbed my shaft through my jeans. No light came through the crack at the bottom of the door, and I knew she was asleep.
I couldn't stay away any longer. I didn't even try.
The room was mostly dark when I opened the door, but my eyes adjusted right away. A soft glow from the security light at the front of the cabin barely cast through her window, but the lamp in the living area allowed me to spot her. I stared at her bed, where she slept soundly on the farther side.
I stepped inside and left the door cracked open so a sliver of light was still in the room. The space smelled like her, and I inhaled deeply, taking the scent of Dolly into my lungs. I wanted her covering me, her aroma, the feel of her naked body on mine… her pussy juices sliding down my cock as I fucked her.
My motherfucking dick was hard as stone, and now, being so close to what was mine, the thick length throbbed, and pre-cum was a steady bead at the crown.
I walked around the bed toward the far side, where she slept soundly. Dolly’s breathing was even and deep, and for long seconds, I just stood there and watched her. I took several more steps closer, and before I knew what I was doing, I unzipped my jeans, popped the button, and pulled my massive cock out.
I held the girth in my palm, squeezing the base as I stared at her plump, pink lips. The color looked a deeper red with the shadows playing over her face, and all I could picture was forcing her to her knees and making her take my dick all the way to the back of her throat until tears streamed down her cheeks.
With my free hand, I reached out, gathering the strands of hair that fell along her cheek. She was so soft, so feminine. The lock felt like silk, and I rubbed it between my thumb and forefinger.
Dolly shifted slightly, the movement causing the strands I held to slip from my grasp. She continued to sleep deeply, but the new position put her on her back, the blanket slipping below her breasts, so I could make out her hard little nipples pressing against the material.
The longer I stared at her tits, the more I could make out the dark circles of her areolas. My mouth watered, and I started jerking off. I dragged my hand up and down the length, squeezing the base before sliding my palm up and tightening it around the tip, pushing out pre-cum.
I couldn’t stop the groan that spilled from me, the sound slightly rousing her, and she shifted on the bed again. But she didn’t wake up, and I wasn't sorry that I was being a pervert right now as I masturbated to the sight of my little darling.
A part of me wanted her to wake up, so she would’ve seen me crowding her, hovering above her as I fucked my fist to the image of her lying helpless in bed. I wanted to hear her inhale sharply in shock, then see her eyes widen when she noticed how big my cock was.
I was too far gone in my lust and need for her. I didn't stop myself from jerking off faster and harder. Dolly was my fucking obsession. She was a virus in my body, consuming me and slowly killing me from the inside out.