Page 80 of The Heir
Yes, it is, Emma, Shad spoke to me. I didn’t look at him, because I was a little embarrassed that he could read me so well, and obviously hear me so well. Having a soul’s melody was something I really needed to get used to.
“Mary, what’s happening?”
She looked at me. “You fell asleep in your dress?” she quickly asked, shaking her head while she walked over to me. “We have to leave, Emma. Ryker was captured. We have to save him. He—they may—” Mary’s voice cracked.
“May what, Mary?” I asked, standing up.
“Kill him—he is a guardian knight. He will not tell a soul what he knows, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try to rip it out of him, piece by piece.” she shuddered. “You have to come. I am not leaving you here alone. Because Shad gave you that crystal, they won’t know where you are, and the Dark Prince will not be able to find you.”
“Who is this prince? Why is he here, anyway?” I asked with a gasp.
Shad looked at me with sadness in his eyes as Mary answered my question: “I am not sure if he is truly a Terran prince or not, but he has been on the hunt for you since your birth. He wants to take your melody and return home with it, there, trying to convince our world that he is the one that the Ancients foretold would come to restore our broken world. In doing so, he would destroy any hope for a return of the Terra we love.”
“What will happen if he takes my melody?” I asked, fear creeping into my bones. Mary started to cry, and Keil held her. No one spoke, as if they did not want to say the words out loud.
“You become a shell, no longer a person. Without a melody, you would be walking around without a soul. It is a fate worse than death. This prince—Keil and I have seen some of the things he has done while here on Earth. We could never find him, but we found plenty of his victims.”
I gulped, stood, and walked into the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and promptly threw up. I closed the toilet seat lid, flushed, and ran to the sink to get the taste out of my mouth. Once I was done cleaning out my mouth, I sat down on the toilet seat.
“Are you okay, Emma?” Shad asked, standing as guard in the doorway.
I let a few tears fall. “Oh, me—Yes. I’m just peachy, Shad. I am not who I thought I was, my best friend is taken captive by some evil guy, that wants to torture and maybe kill him, and we need to rescue him; meanwhile, there is also an insane dark prince who wants my soul, which would leave me here as a zombie for the rest of my life. Am I missing something?” I glared at him.
He only stood there; his hands moved into his pockets, but his soul reached mine, calming me, drawing me in, whispering to me that everything would be okay.
“Stop it, Shad.” I pushed his melody back.
He smiled. “Emma, that is true. All is as you have said.”
I snorted and pulled my knees to my chest.
“But time for contemplation is not now. We must go and do; time is not on our side, Emma.”
“You know what, Shad? I hate time. I thinktimeshould have its soul taken away. When istimeever on my side?” I shouted back at him, tears filling my eyes. “Ryker is dead. I know it. Everything dies—everything,” I whispered in sobs. Shad kneeled beside me, pulling me into his arms—the electric feeling from his touch cocooned me—making me feel safe, warm, and loved. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried. He patted my hair and placed his chin on top of my head.
“It is okay, Emma. He isn’t dead; he lives. I know it.”
I sniffled and started to gain control of myself. Our melodies were ringing within me, filling me with hope. “Nice trick,” I said, pulling away from him.
“There are many benefits to our connection.” He winked and kissed my cheek. It surprised me. Although it was a quick kiss, it sent my body into shivers, and I felt it calming me. He kissed the top of my head and stood up, pulling me with him.
“Now, as much as I love this dress,” he smirked at me, nodding to my body. I looked down and saw my crumpled blue dress, and winced. I probably looked worse than awful. “We should really get you out of it for the drive and into something more comfortable; it is going to be a long one.”
I felt heat rise in my cheeks. “Okay, I will change.”
He stood there, looking at me, his eyes as golden as ever.
“I thought we were being quick?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Oh, yes, me—I should go.” He gave a little bow and walked out of the bathroom door, almost tripping over the mat as he left. That was so unlike the Shad I had known. I laughed at him and sent it to him within my melody.
Are you going to change?He asked in my soul.
Now, try not to focus on me so much.I said to him with a laugh.