Page 15 of Frozen Hearts
“Hey, we’re going to find him,” Mel said reassuringly. She patted Willow’s shoulder with her hand.
Willow glanced down at her hand and Mel pulled it away. She hadn’t meant to get so familiar with Willow. Willow was upset and Mel’s instinct was to comfort her. Still, she couldn’t help but feel the slight sting of electric charge from touching the woman.
“Thank you. You’re being very kind to me,” Willow smiled.
“See I’m not such a bad person,” Mel teased.
“I never said you were a bad person,” Willow protested.
They pulled up to the beach parking lot. The only way down to the beach was to get out of the car. Mel reached into the back and grabbed her umbrella. She pushed the bright pink umbrella open and headed for the wooden stairs that led down to the beach. Willow paused, the rain beating down on her. She looked like a drowned rat with her clothes clinging to her.Mel waved Willow over, inviting her under the umbrella. When Willow gave her a hesitant expression Mel gestured again more emphatically. This time Willow joined her under the umbrella.
They walked in silence. Mel scanned the beach in front of them hoping she would see a glimpse of Sushi. The rain was pouring around them. Willow pressed her body in tighter to Mel’s. Mel felt an electric wave buzzing through her at the contact. She forced herself to focus on the task at hand.
Mel looked towards the ocean and thought she saw a small figure near the waves. She bumped her shoulder into Willow and pointed. Willow followed the direction of her finger. At first the figure was hazy. As they stepped onto the sand and moved closer the figure came into view. There was Sushi running with the waves. As they approached and Mel could make out the dog’s face it was clear Sushi was having a great time.
Willow studied Sushi before shaking her head and breaking into a laugh. Mel startled at the sound. It occurred to her that this was the first time she’d ever heard Willow laugh. Willow’s laugh was a pleasant light and airy sound. Mel smiled and glanced over at Willow. Willow was soaked to the bone with rain, yet somehow still gorgeous. Willow bent down and called Sushi over. Sushi turned his head and happily ran in Willow’s direction. Sushi followed them back to the car.
“Thanks again for helping me. I really owe you one,” Willow said. She turned to walk down the sidewalk.
“Where are you going?” Mel asked, puzzled.
“Home,” Willow smiled.
“Don’t you want a ride?” Mel asked.
“I don’t want us to get your car wet.”
“Willow, get in the car,” Mel directed with a laugh. Willow’s face turned into a frown.
“Please,” Mel offered with a softer tone. Willow sighed, but she opened the back door for Sushi. Willow sat up front with Mel.
“Aren’t you afraid your car will smell like dog,” Willow argued.
“My car already smells like Mase. It’s not a big deal.” Mel laughed.
“Thanks,” Willow smiled. Mel noted that her teeth were flawless.
Sushi lay sprawled out on Mel’s backseat and fell asleep quickly. Mel smiled at the sight in her rearview mirror. She pulled up to the sidewalk in front of Willow’s home.
“Here we are,” Mel announced.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” Willow said.
“You already have,” Mel smiled.
“No, I mean. Why don’t you come inside for dinner?” Willow offered.
Mel felt torn by the offer. She weighed both sides carefully before responding.
“You want me to come inside for dinner?” Mel asked.
“Of course. I wouldn’t have asked if that’s not what I wanted.”
“But why?”
“Mel, don’t overthink it. Just come in the house,” Willow directed. Mel gave a small chuckle.
“Okay. But only if you let me help cook,” Mel smiled.